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   He warned her about the book. Now it was too late. The book was filled with a story of amazing wonders the world had not yet know to be real. But the problem with the book is that it can put you into an endless sleep. But there is a slight chance that the book will decide on something else. The book had been written by a mysterious author no one knows the name of, except one.

   The name of the book keeper was Theodore Salman. Theodore was a wise old man. Theodore was also a scientist, but he was very imaginative. Theodore loved creating new things and making whimsical objects. He even thought of making his own world of whimsical objects. Theodore had know the author, the author was extraordinarily psychotic. The author was a scientist too, but a mad one with power.

   All the scientist wanted to do was build vast inventions. None of his inventions achieved with power. In fact they all needed something, but the scientist never figured it out. He would go about all day wondering and asking himself, what do they need? What were they missing? What is it? These would be the questions he thought after every declined invention. The first invention he made was supposed to be a small, yet very harmful creature. He started out making minuscule inventions with wires and tech parts. Then he started making colossal inventions, such as robotic dragons and mythical creatures. Not even one of them worked.

   The scientist thought maybe he should try a new line of science. A line of science in that time era no one knew about. However it was an idea at the time, but no one knew how to make it happen. It was the science of bringing things to life. To make them real to, to make them have life. The scientist soon learned how to bring little things to life or back to life. Such as little rabbits and bunnies. He also could take a doll or stuffed bear and give them a personality. Now why would a mad scientist create things so cute or babyish? Well, this scientist happened to love children. He may have been in the loony house, but he loved children. He loved to make them smile and laugh, like a clown. The scientist made stuff for children. One day when the scientist decided to visit the village down below his immense house, the people were very frightened. They were frightened, because all the heard all day was loud bangs, thundering noises, and a powerful racket.

   When the scientist made his way down all the children that were outside a second ago, had mysteriously vanished. The people of the village had made the scientist very mad. They wouldn't let the scientist play with the children or talk to them. That is when the scientist went mad with power.

   He then decided to build bigger inventions that would destroy hundreds at a time. His only invention that almost worked was his last invention, as he was perfecting it was slowly heating up. As it was slowly heating up it was burning its memory was gradually burning. Soon it would blow...up. Only the scientist didn't know what would be happening in the next sixty seconds. It only got hotter and hotter. Only thirty more seconds and it would blow. His house...and life would be ruptured. Only if the scientist could predict what was going to happen in the next fifteen seconds. Soon, very soon his life would be very near its last seconds. Before....boom. The whole village heard it. His house had blown up with debris flying everywhere. It was over in seconds.

   Now you're probably wondering how was Theodore was involved. Theodore was the scientist's nephew. Theodore was very fond of his uncle's work as he got older. Theodore had keep his uncle's book, but he never read the book. Only the note on the back of the cover. It told who ever found this book the must not read it, or else. That was the end of the note. Theodore had given the book to his daughter. He told her not to read it, but... it was too late.

Theodore had found his uncle's book wide open on his daughter's bed. His daughter was no where to be in sight. Theodore picked up the book, only to see his daughter on the page. She was trapped in the book. The book had decided to put her in the story of Wonders itself. 

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