2p lithuania and russia (TW FOR VIOLENCE)

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Czesław = 2p Poland
Kęstutis = 2p Lithuania
Maksim = 2p Estonia
Aleksandr = 2p Latvia
Nicholas = 2p Russia


Kęstutis grunted as he slipped into his small, dusty room he shared with Maksim and Aleksandr, at 3 am since he decided to sneak out and meet with Czesław. It went well, which was... odd, but maybe he was just paranoid. Czesław looked so beautiful under the moonlight—it was a shame he couldn't see him more often. Since today had gone so well, maybe he could do this again-

"You're late."

Kęstutis's eyes widened. The room had gotten colder, wind blew throughout the room as he heard... him. Nicholas.

The hairs on his skin were all lying down, and he shivered. He could feel Nicholas behind him, breathing behind his back, grasping his shoulders with his disgusting hands. Bloodied hands, most likely...

"You aren't supposed to be up~"
"You aren't supposed to be in my room."

Shit. Why did he say that?


Nicholas removed his hands off of his shoulder, but leaned closer to his ear. Kęstutis felt paralysed—he had never been this... scared, before. What was so different today?

Nicholas laughed quietly. "Turn around."

As terrified as he was, he obeyed his orders. He wished he hadn't.

Kęstutis felt a wave of anger and shock pass over him when he saw one of Nicholas's guards holding Aleksandr, gun to head, mouth taped up. Rage, rage, rage was all he could feel.

"What the fuck did you do to him!?" The Lithuanian screamed, spit getting in Nicholas's pale skin. The latter cringed visibly and scoffed, muttering something in a language he couldn't understand, which got a gun pointed to him, too. He froze up, his breath coming in short breaks as he looked to Aleksandr and Nicholas repeatedly. Aleksandr looked so scared. Probably more scared than him. And it was all his fault.

"You're going to answer my questions. If not, he dies."
"You fucking wouldn't—"
"Do you want to see me try?"

The room went cold again. Eerie silence. Kęstutis hung his head, not before mouthing a quick "I'm sorry" to Aleksandr.

"Good. Sit."

Kęstutis sat at the edge of his bed, trying to avoid Nicholas's piercing gaze and the guards' almost judgemental looks. They knew he was done for. They knew damn well that Kęstutis had what was coming to him.

"Where were you?" Nicholas began, walking around the room, now deciding to look at the little Latvian he had as a hostage. He had awoken the poor boy at 2:30 something when he found out Kęstutis was gone, and oh boy did he get even angrier when Aleksandr tried to lie to him.


"Where is he, Aleksandr? I'm not going to ask you again."
"I-I told you! I, I don't know, I was sleeping—"


Aleksandr's face had a giant red mark from the slap he had received. He had always told himself he was strong, that he won't cry, that he was a little prince—now he stood there, crying even though nothing could be heard, in the hands of Nicholas as he set on to torture Kęstutis next.

"Where were you?"

Nicholas stopped in his tracks. It was too obvious how much that bothered him.

"Do you have a death wish? Is that it?"
"THEN ANSWER ME! Where were you?"
"I already fucking told you!"

Kęstutis gasped as he felt a sharp knife pressing on his neck. Nicholas's gloved hand covered his mouth gently, while the other pressed the blade just a little harder.

"Where were you? This is the last time I'll ask."

Kęstutis was struck with fear. Fear. The Russian's greatest asset. He knew he struck fear in people and it made him cocky. It would be all the more satisfying to see him crumble...

The Lithuanian choked up an answer. "I was in town. The fountain."

"With who? By yourself?"
"Wi.. with.."

His heart was beating out of his chest. He couldn't say his name. Not for Czesław's sake. He knew Nicholas, he knew what he did to people that got in his way.

He was going to kill him. And he was going to make Kęstutis watch.

"With who?"
"A friend."
"Hm. What's this... friend's, name?"

Oh God, he was being forced to say it. He knew what Czesław was going to experience if he told Nicholas. As painful as it is to deal with him...

No. He couldn't let this happen, he couldn't tell Nicholas anything.

"Spit it out, boy. Haven't you forgotten whose life is on the line?"

He could hear muffled sobs in the background. His already somewhat pale skin went whiter than before as he looked to Aleksandr. The guard had hurt him. He hurt him. He hurt him.

Kęstutis jumped at Nicholas, tumbling the 6 foot giant down to the ground as he pressed his hands to his neck, watching the other try to choke his words out.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Oh Nicholas, I'll fucking kill you if you put your dirty little hands on him again—"

A gun shot rang out and Aleksandr screamed, which turned Kęstutis's head towards the guard holding him.

Blood. Blood on the floor.


Before he could finish, Nicholas pinned him down to the dusty floorboards, grabbing his head and hitting it against the wood. He screamed in agony, though all he could hear from Nicholas was... laughter.

"You're so stupid aren't you? Do you not know who I am? What I'll do to you? Your friend? Aleksandr? I'll kill them, I'll kill the people you love and make you watch as you lie there helplessly because you'll be on your way to meet them underground too!"

He hit him again. There was no point in struggling. Kęstutis gasped for air.

"FINE, FINE, IT, IT WAS CZESŁAW! C-Czesław Łukasiewicz! Please, just please let Aleksandr go.."

Nicholas stopped, thankfully, but he had a puzzled expression Kęstutis couldn't see quite well.

"The prince?"

Nicholas got off of him, but not before smooshing his face forcefully to the ground with the heel of his boot. He scoffed, leaving his foot on his head for a while before removing it and letting Kęstutis breathe.

Kęstutis couldn't relax. He couldn't. He just told Nicholas who he saw. He was going to kill him, he was going to kill him he was—

"Stand up."

The Lithuanian shivered, but he again helplessly obeyed him. Nicholas smiled, which was never a good thing, and whispered;

"Do this again and I'll break your skull. Have we come to an agreement?"

Nicholas raised a brow.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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