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"Onii-chan!" A little girl called her older brother, excitedly running towards him and his friends, as her brother bent down, opening his arms wide and picked her up, throwing his sister in the air and catching her gently, smiling as she giggled holding onto his shoulders so she doesn't fall.

"What happened, little one? You seem really excited." one of his friends asked, smiling fondly.

"Onii-chan! I made it in Basketball Club of my school! I will be often practising with them now and I am really excited! I will work hard to be the Captain of my Team and represent our Country." she explained, excited. As her brother and his friends all congratulated her for passing the first test towards her dream.

Flashback 2..

"Onii-chan please! You need to say something please!" the 10 year old Ami pleaded, crying hard as she held her older brother / best friend, who wasn't saying anything but just looking up at her with a small, fond smile. He was about to say something, when he went blank, pushed his little girl away, who was caught by one of his friends as they hugged her to comfort her as he just stood up and walked away, disappearing from their sight.

"Onii-chan! Don't go! Come back please! I will do whatever you ask me to, just come back please" she stated falling onto her knees, as she watched him disappearing from her sight. One of his friends patted her head to comfort her.

Flashback over...

Ami's P.O.V.

I woke up abruptly, covered in cold sweat. Not feeling any weight on me, I looked at my side to see her sleeping peacefully with her back facing me. I sighed and sat up, running my hand through my hair a bit as I leaned against the headboard of the bed. I picked up my phone to check the time. (What? Just 4:45 AM! What the hell am I gonna do waking up this early?! Knowing, I won't be able to sleep again!) I groaned internally, getting up and covered her properly with the duvet. Without making any noise, I went towards washroom and did my daily morning routine, wearing my workout outfit and Sneakers, I set off to do some Jogging and daily exercises.

Slowly closing the door of my room, I went downstairs. Without making any noise, I slowly walked towards the door and just when I was about to open the door I heard a voice calling me, making me freeze in my spot.

"Ami, where are you going at this time dear?" I slowly turned back with a wide smile on my face, face palming internally for smiling all of a sudden as she gave me a confused smile back.

"Well, I was just going for Jogging and daily exercises" I replied, but she looked at me suspiciously. By the way, that's Rose, head of the chef but also a mother figure in here. She's a smart lady, in her late 30s and nothing gets past her. Hence, that suspicious look, I sighed internally at that look.

"Dear, you okay? You seem to be distressed about something?" she asked, concerned as I gave her a small smile.

"Yes aunt, I am perfectly fine! Just kind of had a nightmare. And I usually can't sleep after 5 in the morning anyway so I decided to just do Jogging and Exercises." I hope she doesn't ask anymore questions, and thankfully she did not and allowed me to go.

Time Skip..

No One's P.O.V.

An hour later, Ami came back. Entering her room, she saw Yuna wide awake, looking at the wall clock she saw it was 6 AM already. Smiling slightly, as Yuna gave her a lazy smile as she walked towards her. Just as Yuna was about to hug her, Ami stepped back with a small, apologetic smile.

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