Part 1

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                       Kate's (POV)

I woke up ready to go with all my friends and cheer them all on at the Special Olympics Summer Games..

I'm double checking I have everything for the week long trip I'm taking with all the Athletes..

Suitcase, Clothes, meds, notebook, phone.. I add the essentials then I run out the door to meet my friend Peter and his mom because they are taking me to the Special Olympics Summer Games..

The drive to the Special Olympics Summer Games takes about two hours..

And I'm happy as soon as we get there because my legs feel like jelly from the long drive..

My friend's mom parks the car and I just look around at a loss for words.. too stunned by the scale of how BIG summer games look in person..

We make our way to the team camp and once there I'm greeted with hugs from a lot of the Athletes..

I look at all the faces of athletes that have become friends over the last few months and see smiles..

I'm so excited I can't wait to watch everyone compete in all their competitions from Track and Field, to Softball Throw, Basketball and so many more sports I can't even keep track..

As I'm settling in to Team Camp with all the Athletes I suddenly hear a voice behind me that sends a chill down my spine..

"You really think Boone County will WIN anything especially with Kate on their team? I mean I'd take her as a prize over any medal."

I turn around and I feel my knees go weak and my head spins when I see who's standing in front of me..

"Hunter?" I say barely able to believe if he's standing in front of me.

I mean it's been like 4 years since I've seen Hunter..

"How are you here?" I ask..

Hunter looks at me and I notice he checks me out.. which makes me uncomfortable..

So I take a step back as he takes a step toward me hoping someone from my group sees me..

Hunter looks at me again and responds.. "I'm with Damar and they are competing in the Special Olympics Summer Games.. I wouldn't have imagined I'd see you here."

Hearing he's from Damar makes my blood run cold..

Hunter takes another step toward me And I close my eyes out of fear but before anything happens I suddenly feel a gentle arm wrap around my waist..

Then I hear a voice right next to me..

"I think you're messing with my Girl!

I also think you're at the wrong Team Camp!

Why don't you Move along!" Says the voice.

I open my eyes and see Hunter leave.

But just before Hunter walks away he looks at me and his response runs terror through my body..

"I'll see you around Kate. Damar will break your precious Boone County Athletes." Hunter says and I see an evil look on his face..

As soon as Hunter is gone I then look up to see Alec?

"What are you doing here?

I thought you were in Cincinnati?" I ask completely confused..

He looks at me and responds.. "What No Thank You for saving you from him?" He says cocking an eyebrow in Hunter's direction.

I laugh. "Thank You."

"Now what are you doing at Summer Games?" I say yet again knowing he's avoiding my question.

"Well my brother got done early and we decided to come cheer on the athletes. And it's good thing to." He says and I laugh with a little bit of a smile.

Alec looks at me again and notices my smile fall..

"Kate come on talk to me.
Who was that guy? And how does he know you? How is he in Special Olympics Summer Games?" He asks me.

I look at Alec and tell him that we need to talk..

So we both walk away from Team Camp so I can tell Alec all about Hunter..

"That's Hunter he became a little obsessed with me and wouldn't take NO for answer when I told him I wasn't ready to have a boyfriend and I just wanted to be friends."

Alec looks at me and I see the rage on his face..

"Well you don't have to worry about him while I'm here. You just focus on having fun with the Athletes."

I look at him confused "what do you mean?" I ask confused.

He flashes that smile of his and responds "Think of me as your personal bodyguard. NO Athlete that's not a part of Boone County is coming anywhere near you as long as I'm around."

I smile as I throw my arms around his neck.

"Thank You Alec. You're the best." I say.

He smiles again and I feel my heart flutter..

What's this feeling? Whatever it is I'll figure it out later. I've got Athletes to cheer on!

GO Boone County!! Go 4 The Gold!!

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