1) The Party and New Hope (Diana's P.O.V.)

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A/N- This is my first time doing this so please comment what you think. And the photo is of her party dress.

Diana P.O.V.

I was walking around my family's home, wishing the party would end soon. The love of my life had just left me. I was heartbroken and my parents decide to host a welcoming ball for our new neighbors, the Mikaelsons. I haven't actually met any of them yet because all i have been doing is walking around thinking about Harry and the fact that he left without a word. Well, he didn't actually leave, he just suddenly moved o to another girl.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone accidentally ran into me, causing me to fall over the balcony that looks over the foyer. I screamed knowing this was the end. But it wasn't, because someone caught me. I looked to see who my savior was and I saw the most handsome man i had ever seen in my life. Ugh! I have never met him before, so he must be one of the Mikaelson brothers.

He carried me to a private room and set me down on the sofa. He stood to leave once the maid came in to tend to me, but he paused before reaching the door. He turned around and sat in the chair next to the sofa that I was on and stared at me. It wasn't a creepy or awkward stare, thank god; it was more of a protective stare. The maid finished and exited the room leaving us alone.

Mystery Man: "Are you alright?" He seemed concerned.

Diana: "Yes. I'm quite alright. Still in shock, but alright. However, I would love to thank my savior, but he has not given me his name."

I was trying to be as formal as possible because father believes i am too wild. He stood up and walked over to the sofa and sat down next to me.

Mystery Man: "Pardon, where are my manners. I'm Elijah Mikaelson. My family and I have just moved in next door."

So, mystery man has a name.

Diana: "Thank you, Elijah, for saving my life. Now, so you don't leave at a disadvantage, I'm Diana Bellerose."

Elijah: "It's a pleasure to meet you Diana.

Diana: "The pleasure is all mine seeing as you saved my life."

At that moment, my two best friends, Luna Belwood and Raven Hallewell, burst through the door causing Elijah to quickly stand and stand in front of me. It was almost like he was trying to protect me. Weird. It didn't work because Luna and Raven pushed him out of the way and practically tackled me.

Luna: "Thank goodness you're alright!"

Raven: "I was so terrified!"

Luna: "We would have been here sooner, but I had to drag her away from one of the Mikaelson brothers"

They obviously haven't seen Elijah yet.

Raven: "He was being nice. And he is so handsome. His brother is even more handsome. But he's more of the gentlemanly type. He'd be perfect for you, Diana."

Oh dear god. For the amount of time that they have been here, you would have thought that at least one of them would have notice Elijah. Nope. Not once. Well this is embarrassing. I heard Elijah start laughing and thought 'Seriously! How could you not notice him when he is laughing right behind you! I mean, come on! He's not even trying to be quiet!' He suddenly started laughing even more like he just read my mind. Wait... did i say my thoughts out loud again? No? Good.

Luna: "Elijah is so perfect. If you don't take him, I will."

Raven: "Of course Diana will take him. Besides, I thought you were with William."

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! He is literally laughing so hard that he's crying! How can you be oblivious to that!

Luna: "I am. I'm just saying that, if Diana fell gravely ill and for some insane reason turned him down, then I would gladly step in."

Really? Have you not seen him? Why on earth would I turn him down?

Raven: "She won't turn him down, Luna. He's too attractive for her to say no. Besides, Diana is equally as attractive as Elijah. They would be the best looking couple in all of Texas. And I believe that their future kids will be just as beautiful and handsome."

Elijah let out a short breath causing Raven and Luna to turn around. REALLY!!! He sits there laughing so loud that all of Austin could hear him and a tiny breath of air catches their attention? No wonder they call ME the smart one.

Raven: "How long has he been here, Diana?"

Diana: "Since he brought me in here after catching me."

Luna: "So, he's been here for our entire conversation!"

Diana: "Yes, Luna. He has."


Luna: "Well, this is certainly..."

Raven: "... extremely embarrassing!"

Luna: "We will be in the sitting room if you need us."

And with that, they both quickly fled the room, leaving me and Elijah alone again.


Thanks for reading!

Please comment what you thought. If you have any ideas for the book, then please message me or leave a comment.

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