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This time is different though, for some reason instead of Elizabeth remembering first it was Y/N who remembered first, that is what Meliodas is confused about, he can't tell the others about this, even though it's killing him he can't risk Elizabeth finding out, it'll speed up her remembering, he can't watch her die again, he can't watch Y/N die again.


(Y/N's head)

'What's going on...?' I thought to myself, I was in a pitch black area, until a little lit up the area causing me to cover my eyes.

When I uncovered my eyes I was in a forest.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice shout, I turned my head and saw Meliodas...? He was wearing a green crop top and a pair of green pants to match, he had white shoes and a huge sword resting on his shoulder, I was about to say something before I was interrupted.

"Meli!" A voice from behind me shouted, I turned around and my eyes widened, it was me..? She was wearing a black dress that went to her mid thigh, black gloves that went to shoulders and a pair of black boots, she also had a scythe similar to Zen

'What the hell? How come I don't remember this?!' I thought to myself as my eyes widened

"Is Liz still in the meeting?" The other me asked Meliodas, he nodded

"Yeah, Mael is being Mael" He said, the other me just sighed

"He reminds me of Izraf, always either interrogating someone or just holding the meeting way over" Other me said, Meli laughed

'Why does that name sound so familiar?' I thought to myself

"Try being the the demon king's eldest son, it's not so fun" He said chuckling

Another blinding light appeared and I was in the black area again

'What was that...?' I thought, I saw another bright light, I started walking towards it and...

I jolted awake breathing heavy, I was slightly shaking, I looked around and saw I was in mine, King's and Ban's room, I heard talking down stairs.

I slowly made my way downstairs, I saw all the Sins getting ready too leave.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked at the bottom of the stairs, everyone turned and looked with wide eyes.

"Y/N! You're awake!" Diane said as she ran to me, Meliodas quickly made his way towards me

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asked me worriedly

"I'm fine Meli" I said as I smiled softly at him, Ban came over and slung his arm over my shoulder

"Anyway, we're heading to the palace, the king needs to see all 7 of us" Ban said as he looked down at me

"Really? Why does he need us?" I asked, everyone just shrugged their shoulders.

We eventually made it to the palace, so many memories of me and my three sisters playing in the halls came back to me

"A shadow of the Ten Commandments?" Meliodas asked

"Is it some kind of sign?" Diane asked

"His Highness's power, Vision." King stated

"Through ambiguous words and visuals, he makes predictions about what will happen in the future." Merlin stated

"With virtually 100% accuracy." Gowther said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Listen, there's still one more omen." Father said, this got everyone's attention

"We're listening, what did you see?" Meli asked him

"According to the vision, in a kingdom to the south..." He started

"The south?" Merlin asked

"A new nation is emerging. In Camelot, the capital, a monstrous threat swiftly approaches." Father said.


I was asleep, my body halfway off the bed when the door busted open causing me to fall off the bed.

"Ack!" I shouted as I fell on my head

"Y/N! Get up! Elizabeth brought you a new outfit for the ceremony tomorrow!" Meli shouted and threw something at me

"Ceremony...?" I asked blinking

"Yeah! The king is giving us medals for how great we are!" He said, Ban suddenly sat up from the ground

"Quit your yapping" He said as he rubbed the back of his head

"How come you two always ended where the other was?" Meliodas asked

"I actually have no clue" I said as I stood up and stretched, Meli then shrugged and walked out the room, I flopped back onto the bed

"What's that?" Ban asked pointing at an outfit hanging up, I simply shrugged my shoulders and went back to sleep, for some reason lately all I've wanted to do was sleep.

(Meli's pov)

'I'm worried about Y/N...' I thought to myself, I looked over at her and saw her talking with Neptuin,

(Y/N's pov)

I was talking to Neptuin, she was telling me stuff about her, like how's she a vampire doll which I so cool, she has the abilities as a vampire and some like Gowther and two others, blood puppet and blood pierce.

"So Y/N, I've been meaning to ask you something" She said

"What is it?" I asked her

"You and the tall man, Ban I think his name was" She said

"What are you going to ask?" I asked her nervously

"Is there something going on between you two?" She asked me, my eyes widened as I start to blush a lot

"W-what?! No! What makes you say that?!" I say

"Well you're heart race increases when you're near him and you seem to love him." She said tilting her head, I sighed

"You see, I like him more than a friend but he's still in love with his dead girlfriend" I mumbled.

Ban and Meli left out back to talk I was confused so I excused myself from my conversation from Neptuin and walked towards the back door and saw King already there.

"What are they talking about?" I asked him, he slightly jumped and turned to me

"Ban quit the sins" He said, my eyes widened

"I'm following him when he leaves." King said

"I'm coming too!" I said, King looked at me confused

"Y/N, what's going on between you and Ban?" King asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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