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As the men left, curiosity gnawed at my mind. What kind of dealings were they conducting with Dr. Stone late at night in the hospital? The more I thought about it, the more sinister the entire scenario seemed. These three men radiated an air of danger, and their presence in our quiet hospital was disconcerting. I had to know what was going on.

Dr. Stone followed closely behind them, his usual calm demeanor now tinged with a hint of urgency. As he walked by me, he paused, his eyes sharp behind his glasses.

"Skyler," he said, his voice firm, "ensure you administer the proper medication to the patient in room 302. He needs a precise dosage of the sedative, 5 mg every four hours. It's crucial for his condition."

"Yes, Doctor," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

Dr. Stone nodded curtly and then left, his footsteps echoing down the empty corridor. I waited until I was sure he was gone before slipping out of my station. The halls were silent, the only sounds being the distant hum of machinery and the occasional murmur from a patient's room.

I made my way to Dr. Stone's office, my heart pounding in my chest. The office was shrouded in darkness, and I decided against turning on the lights to avoid arousing any suspicion from my fellow night-shift nurses. Instead, I used my phone's flashlight, the narrow beam cutting through the gloom.

There it was: the black briefcase sitting on his desk. It looked ominous, like something out of a spy thriller. I approached it cautiously, my breath shallow. The briefcase had a complex locking mechanism, and it took me several minutes to figure out the combination. My hands shook as I finally managed to open it.

Inside, I found a stack of documents, each more perplexing than the last. One particular file caught my eye: "Black Organ Market" by Melissa Thompson. My heart skipped a beat,what is my mother's name doing in this shady document? I monologued.I started to skim through the pages, each word more horrifying than the last.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching. Panic surged through me, and I quickly ducked under the desk, clutching the documents to my chest. The door creaked open, and I held my breath, praying that whoever entered wouldn't notice me.

Dr. Stone walked in, his phone pressed to his ear. "Yes, I have everything under control, sir," he said, his voice low but clear. "The fool fell right into our trap. He accepted the position. He's Carter, he was a doctor here before Melissa died. Perfect for our needs."

He chuckled, a cold, calculating sound that sent shivers down my spine. "No, he hasn't suspected a thing. We're moving forward as planned."

My heart raced. Wasn't Carter the new senior doctor, and what was the plan? Who was the man Dr. Stone called sir? I struggled to make sense of it all, my mind a whirl of confusion and fear.

Dr. Stone hung up and walked over to the desk. I held my breath, willing myself to be invisible. He grabbed the briefcase, his movements precise and practiced. I could see the smirk on his face, a twisted expression that revealed a side of him I had never seen before.

"Perfect," he muttered to himself as he left the office, the door clicking shut behind him.

I stayed hidden for a few moments longer, making sure he was truly gone. When I finally emerged, my legs were trembling. I had to find out more about this black market and what role Dr. Stone was playing in it. The document in my hands felt like a ticking time bomb, each page a potential explosion of truth.

Back at my station, I quickly hid the documents in my bag. My mind was racing with questions. Why was Dr. Stone involved in something so nefarious? What was the plan with Dr. Carter, and what did this mean for the hospital?

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in way over my head. But I knew one thing for certain: I couldn't ignore what I had discovered. I had to dig deeper, uncover the truth, and put a stop to whatever dark plans Dr. Stone was concocting.

But everything seems surreal, Dr stone wouldn't be involved is such business, and what role did my mother play in all this? it has to be something else, she is not involved in this mess! I have to know the truth.

The night dragged on, each minute feeling like an hour. I administered the medication to the patient in room 302, my hands steady despite the turmoil inside me. As the dawn broke, casting a pale light over the hospital, I knew my life was about to change forever. I was about to step into a world of secrets and danger, where the stakes were higher than I could have ever imagined.

I had vowed to meet this doctor carter and tell him his life was in danger. As the sun cast it's beautiful glow, I drove back to my apartment, I had a quick shower, and before I could even eat I heard my phone ring, there it was him- Liam.

Liam: [Phone ringing]Hey, Sky! How's it going?

Sky: Hey, Liam! I'm doing alright, just got home from the night shift.

Liam: How was it? Tough night?

Sky: Yeah, it was pretty hectic. Had a couple of emergencies and the usual chaos.

Liam: Wow, that sounds rough. How are you feeling now?

Sky: Exhausted, to be honest. But, you know, it's all part of the job.

Liam: Absolutely. Hey, make sure you get some good sleep today. You deserve it.

Sky: Thanks, man. I'll definitely crash for a few hours.

Liam: And don't forget to eat well, okay? A good meal always helps after a long night.

Sky: Yeah, I'll grab something before I hit the bed. Maybe some eggs and toast.

Liam: Perfect! Take care of yourself, Sky. Your health comes first.

Sky: I know, I will. Thanks for checking in, Liam.

Liam: Anytime. Have a nice, restful day. Talk to you later.

Sky: You too, Liam. Have a great day ahead!

Liam: Thanks! Bye!

Sky: Bye!

My heart pounded as I thought about the narrow escape I just had. I know I had stretched the truth about emergencies, but could anyone deny that exposing Dr. Stone's shady dealings was a real emergency? With determination, I pulled out the document from my bag, eager to uncover the secrets within.

I turned the first page, expecting revelations, only to find it blank. Puzzled, I flipped to the second page, and it too was blank. My confusion turned to frustration as I quickly thumbed through the third and fourth pages, each one as empty as the last. Anxiety began to creep in as I flipped through all the pages, each one devoid of any writing.

Finally, at the very end of the document, a message scrawled in stark letters grabbed my attention: "Gotcha! She was murdered, you punk!" My blood ran cold. The weight of the words hit me like a sledgehammer, a cruel twist that turned my desperation into horror.
Who was murdered? My mom? No way, this has to be unrelated, it was an accident not murder!

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