Prologue - The Beginning

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Minato—the fourth Hokage— and his wife Kushina were waiting for tomorrow to come eagerly, why? Because they were going to have kids; and triplets at that! They have already decided on what to name them.

Minato was talking to Kushina as usual but suddenly everything turned black, there was nothing. A figure started to take form in front of him."[inaudible], I [inaudible]. I know I [inaudible] you, I'll work to [inaudible] it. I should've [inaudible] start. Look out for-" The figure said with a slightly shaky voice but before he could finish, Minato suddenly got up from bed.

"What was that dream..." He was sweating buckets, "That's not important right now, today's the big day." he decided to think about the dream later since he has an important day today, he got dressed up in his hokage cloak and travelled to the hokage tower.

At night -

Kushina, Minato and some others were in a cave. The time had finally come, the moment when his children are born.

"Push Kushina-sama!" The nurse who was in the cave said and encouraged her. Finally, 3 little babies came out: 2 boys and 1 girl. The girl had yellow hair and blue eyes like Minato; 1 one the boys had blond hair like his father and violet eyes like his mother, and the other boy had red hair like Kushina and blue eyes like Minato.

"Kushina.. Let's name them." Minato said with a smile and Kushina nodded. "Since he has my hair color; I'll name him, Kushina said looking at the boy with red hair. I name him: Naruto." Kushina said with a bright smile.

"I'll name the girl Naruko and the boy Menma." Minato said and tried to hold the babies but the nurse said "Mother first" and snatched them away, Minato pouted.

Kushina looked at the little gems in her hands and held them close. Suddenly, Kushina started to feel immeasurable pain, she screamed. Minato was caught off-guard and got worried. A shinobi said "Minato-sama! The seal on Kushina-sama is getting weaker, the kyuubi is going to come out! We need to reseal it inside a newborn!"

"Kushina, Menma, Naruko, Naruto.. Forgive me but, I have to do this." With that said, he transported to the sealing ground with Naruto and Kushina.

Just as he was about to do the shiki fujin seal, Hiruzen appeared and knocked him out. "Minato, you cannot die. You have a life with your family, I am getting old, I was going to die anyway; it's just sooner. EVERYONE, MAKE SURE TO HAIL THIS CHILD AS A HERO." Hiruzen said with a smile and then told everyone to not think of the child as a demon or anything of that sort. "Shiki Fujin" Hiruzen said and the shinigami appeared behind him. He sealed half of the Kyuubi inside Naruto and kept the other half inside Kushina. "Goodbye everyone..." Hiruzen said and fell lifeless on the ground

"Hiruzen-sama sacrificed himself!"...

4 few years later:

At the Namikaze household -

They were having dinner, everyone in their family. "Anyone wants more?" Kushina asked, "I do I do" Menma said with happiness and excitement along with Naruko, Naruto also did but not with happiness, just blank. Kushina gave both Menma and Naruko the serving with a smile, "Here you go~", but when it came to Naruto, she faked the smile; "Here you go" she said with a BIGG smile but the smile also felt creepy, it felt insincere. Naruto knew though, the look in everyone's eyes, they were the same as the villagers'. But he decided to live with it, he still doesn't know why they give him that look, why the villagers beat him. Whenever he told his parents about the abuse, they just told him that he was lying and sometimes even slapped him.

2 more years pass living like this

Naruto along with Menma and Naruko was coming home from the academy. Menma and Naruko sticked together but Naruto was left alone walking behind them with his head down. The villagers were giving him that look, he still doesn't understand why.

The three of them reached the Namikaze household, Kushina greeted Naruko and Menma with a sincere smile but an insincere smile was pointed towards Naruto, he couldn't take it anymore..

"Why! Why do you give me that look!? WHY, what did I do? How am I any different from them!? WHY DO YOU GIVE ME THAT SMILE.. and that look.." Naruto said starting to tear up. He thought he had a chance that they would finally understand him, they would hear him out but...  "slap You demon! You are finally revealing your true form, I don't care anymore, I thought there was a chance you were grateful to us for feeding you and giving you a place to live but NO, you selfish demon. GET OUT, you were just a mistake." Kushina said these hurtful words, words are enough to break an adult. To say such words to a child.. Surely no one in their right mind would do so right?

Minato also joined in, "Yes you demon, you took away Hiruzen you destroyed my village; we gave you a place to live and eat but it seems you still aren't grateful for it. I thought there was a chance that you were human and not a demon but it seems you're just not worth it, you mistake."

Naruto, now heartbroken was standing in silence, tears streaming down his face. The words they said to him repeating in his mind and the look they gave him 'Mistake', 'Demon', 'Mistake', 'Demon' just repeating. They kicked him out of the house and locked the door to his face, he ran away with tears streaming down his face. He didn't know where he was going, he didn't care, he just ran and ran until he ran out of stamina. Why was the world so cruel? Why was he being tortured for something that he doesn't even know of? Why did his family turn against him? Why does no one believe him? Could he ever trust someone again? These questions filled his mind

Alright guys, this is the end for the prologue. Hope you liked it, leave a vote if you did and do leave a comment for your opinion. That's it, see you in the next chapter.

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