20. Pleasures

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Rose could not fight the flashing memories of their previous heated encounters ... His touch is so damn much imprinted in her memory ... her mind and her body ... was lingering like a sweet echo at that moment.

"Say it," Kevin demanded with a husky voice laced with matching desire, not helping, but rather intensifying her temptations.

Rose was aching throughout her whole body, she tried squeezing her thighs together to relieve some sweet pains but he was quick to take a grasp on her upper thigh ceasing her from creating any friction. Rose ached, she could feel her cheeks heating up being flushed.

"Mmmm" was the only she could moan as his hold was so strong, preventing her from any movement, she could not move a muscle.

"In words," He demanded again unyieldingly.

Rose put both of her hands on his strong grip and lowly mumbled, "Kevin, please" amplifying his tortures on her aching. Kevin wanted her to admit, accept and surrender to her own deepest desires and ask for what only he could provide and satisfy her. He needed her to be honest about her needs, bare her soul completely to her husband.

"Please what, wife?" He teased and moved his hand dangerously closer to her core trailing up to her inner thigh but not exactly where it should be. Her breath hitched, and muscles near her core dangerously throbbed, Rose felt like her whole body was set on some fire, like she lost complete control over herself.

"Touch m-me," she shyly delivered giving him a hard time controlling his sanity. He tenderly pulled Rose towards him, making her head rest on the bundled up pillows and hovering over her carefully not putting any pressure of his weight on his pregnant wife.

"How?" He sensually whispered resting his forehead on hers while his hand was playing with the cloth of her panties.

Rose could not comprehend why he was making her utter this shameless confession, taking the edge off her dire condition. He knew her body better than herself, whatever she felt through a man was introduced by him only. This was so absurd.

"However you want," Rose spoke softly and mindlessly losing herself in the wonders that his fingers can do to her body.

Without any moment's pause, Kevin attached his lips to her sweet spots on her neck and two of his long thick fingers were inside Rose's heated dripping core, his thumb was rotating the searing nerves of her clit. Rose's head fell back in pleasure, this was too much to take for her pregnant body. Her hands, freely roaming over his back, could feel the tension in his muscles. The constant plunging - in and out of his experienced fingers dawned vibrations throughout her body. In no matter of time, Rose opened her lips gasping for air and moaned out as a toe curling orgasm embraced her body, satisfying her urges.

He responded to her climax with a kiss her on the forehead before getting up and gently settling himself between her legs. One by one, deliberately, he unbuttoned her dress, his eyes drinking in every curve of her plump, inviting body. Her belly already had a slight bump, her breasts were swollen, bigger than before, her curves were plumper.

"Fucking divine," Kevin murmured under his breath taking a brief time to cherish the view before him making Rose coyly move her face to the side. He dragged down his grey sweat trousers revealing his iron hardness and pushed the tip into her wetness earning a heaved up breath from Rose.

His hands moved with gentle precision all over her body, exploring every inch, caressing it as if it were a delicate instrument. He was being extra tender and careful, putting a leash on his demonic rhythms, his eyes were fixed on her face taking pleasure in his doings. It was slow, sensual, deliberate and passionate which magnified Rose's aching nerves again, eliciting some more orgasms out.

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