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THE BRIGHT LIGHTS of the hospital began to piss Happy off as he let out a low growl as he paced back and forth, running both hands over his bald head over and over

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THE BRIGHT LIGHTS of the hospital began to piss Happy off as he let out a low growl as he paced back and forth, running both hands over his bald head over and over. It wasn't really the lights that pissed him off, but the fact that he couldn't be with Cal to give him the most painful death possible.

But he couldn't leave Tessa here aloneᅳ even if she wasn't alone. Gemma had come here as soon as she heard the news, trying to be there for the guys and the two women, both of whom were currently in two different rooms, leaving Jax and Happy in the waiting area at St. Thomas while Sawyer, Abel and Thomas were with Lyla at her house.

"They'll be okay." Gemma's calm yet firm voice ended the silence, her intense gaze darting between the men before she stood up. Hands resting on her hips, the matriarch let out a sigh. "Why can't you be with them? You're their partners."

"I don't fuckin' know, mom", Jax explained through gritted teeth, letting out a snort. "We should've killed that bastard right away."

"Keep your voice down", Gemma warned as she whacked the back of her son's head, not ready for anyone here to report the guys. The last thing they needed right now were cops showing up.

"The hell, mom?!" Jax groaned in annoyance, rubbing the back of his stinging head.

"No, he shouldn't just die", Happy spat, the first time he'd said anything since they'd been here. "He deserves to be in pain, lots of pain."

"You use your torture methods and I'll put a bullet between his eyes", Jax said, keeping his voice down under Gemma's admonishing gaze. "Deal?"

Happy nodded without having to think about it too much. He knew he would have to share Cal with Jax, after all, not only Tessa but also Tara was attacked. And there was no way he was going to just do the easy, short partᅳ he wanted to do the painful part.

"Deal", he grunted with a barely noticeable nod, receiving one from Jax in return.

"They'll be okay", Gemma repeated her words from before as the men started pacing again, but her words didn't do much, the two men way too worried about their Old Ladies.

Another twenty minutes passed before Tara finally entered the waiting room, an exhausted smile on her lips. Before she walked over to Jax, she stopped in front of Happy and placed a hand on his arm.

"You can go to her, she's with Dr. Selva on the first floor. The first room to the right of the elevator", the brunette explained and shot the Killer an encouraging smile before seeking refuge and comfort in Jax' arms, the blonde visibly relieved that his wife seemed to be okay and had nothing more than a small gash on her temple.

Happy's mind, however, was racing as he stormed out of the waiting room and headed for the room Tara had spoken of. A sign on the wall explained that he was in the gynecological ward, making his heart beat violently against his ribcage.

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