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TDL opens his wrist blade cutting the rockets vaporizing it without explode it
He sends 3 big fireballs to V she dodges 2 of them but last one hits her torso leaving a hole on it she slowly regenerates

TDL puts his wrist blade on her neck

TDL: move and I vaporize just lile the rockets

V gritted her teeth having no choice but surrendering she didnt think he can win the battle this quickly

TCO and J's fight

TCO dodges J blade attacks and destroying the rockets with his laser eye

J: are you not attacking me on purpose ?! Company will tear you apart

TCO: sure send all of drones I will melt them to ground

He uses his fire breath on J making her unable to attack

J(thoughts): dammit ! I cant attack him if I try I would overheat or worse melt away

TCO stops the flames suddenly dashes to J punching her visor J drops to ground even creating a creater. Suddenly Uzi gets top of her pointing the railgun

Uzi: one more buzzword and I do it

J: equity partnershi-?

Uzi pulls the trigger. In the end of it all, J's entire top half has been obliterated. Uzi spits on the corpse (Or what's left of it) to show who's the baddest.

Thad: holy hell that was insane uzi ! And those two stick looking things too !

TCO: stickmans or stickfigures

They hear someone clearing their throat. It's Khan. Uzi throws her wrench back at his feet.

Uzi: I brought the murder drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead instead of just freaking believing in me! That's not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week! (No response. Uzi, near tears, smacks herself to regain composure.) I'll save you the trouble dad. I banish myself! (Khan tries to speak, but can't find the words.) Let's go, N. Everyone here can bite me! (N grabs V and they begin to leave.) And you two come too if you want weird stickfigures

N: Nice to meet you mr uzi !

Uzi: shut it (she smacks him)

Out in the frozen wilderness, Uzi sitting on top of a broken car, thinking to herself.

TCO: so are you still on character development ?

Uzi: AAH!!? Holy hell you scared me

TCO: ahh- sorry about that my name is the chosen one by the way or you can just call me TCO

Uzi: chosen one ? That is a very cliche name what are you even chosen for ?

TCO: well- he thinks for an answer I really dont know its just my name

Uzi: so your name is the chosen one for fun ?

TCO: I think yes

Uzi: so whos the red version of you ?

TCO: ah he is my brother his name is the dark lord he is kind of obsessed with viruses even have his own virus but he is a good person

Uzi: oh I hope so

TCO: you strangely calm for seeing a stickman

Uzi: I seen a lot of weird things bite me

TCO confuses and he open his pacman looking mouth and bites her arm


TCO: You wanted me to bite you ?


TCO: how am I supposed to know you shouldnt say to everyone

Uzi: ughh she roll her eyes rubbşng her arm 

Uzi: Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff. I hope they're sitting pretty there on Earth, because we're coming for them...! (She laughs maniacally, her sanity completely vanished, as the zoom out reveals three Drone pods making their way down to Copper 9.)

TCO: ahaha ok champ you definetly can~

Authors note : no one reads it so no notes

TCO , TDL x murder drones Where stories live. Discover now