Chapter 1 Hey Girl!

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The goth girl walk through the streets, cup of coffee in hand. Yesterday was a long day and she got drunk in the evening to release the stress. Now she’s having a bad hangover and can’t deal with it.

On her way back to the office she ear someone calling her name.

-        No way ! Look who’s here !

Loona turn around and adjust her sunglasses she had put on so the light would make her headaches less worse. She noticed it was the sin of gluttony herself.

-        My favorite person ! What’s up girl ?

-        Ho..  Bee, hi uhm… well just an headache....

-        Ho that explain the sunglasses, looks good by the way. She wink to loona.

The girl hide her blush with the glasses. Then she ask the bee-fox demon.

-        Why did you came to pride by the way ?  It’s not really close to gluttony.

-        Oh…  that…  I want to see Luce, I have something to ask him.

Loona rise an eyebrow, curious of what made the queen come all the way to ask one of the other sin a service.

-        Is…  everything OK ? 

Bee look at the goth and let out a fake laugh.

-        Yeaaah.... don’t worry cutie I don’t Wana bother you with my problems.

That didn’t stop the girl to stare at the queen, like she still wanted answers.

-        Sigh..  I had a meeting with Mammon just an hour ago.

Loona eyes grew, she knew that having a conversation with Mammon was often one-sided, he is an asshole who don’t give a fuck about other except if he can gain money on it.

-        I guess it went badly ?

-        Of course it did ! I fell so stupid thinking he could listen to me for once ! I just wanted to ask him if we could do a cooperative event for our people ! For fuck sake they need those kind of event! they need to see that even in hell they can have fun and be happy ! Too much fucking persons are depressed out there ! And he is a Fucking clown, he is supposed to make people happy. But all he care is  about how much he’ll gain on doing stuff.

The wolfgirl felt sad for the sin and she could tell that the ruler of gluttony had good intesions.

-        You don’t need this fucker, you’re doing an amazing job at taking care of your own people. It s true that I had hard time to trust you but you made it, you made me a grump unsocial bitch trust you. You’re capable of anything if you ask me… You're a good person.

She took sip of her coffee after saying that. Bee was a bit taken aback by those words, maybe because she didn’t expect to be complimented by the goth.

-        Fuck girl that was really sweet

Loona keep drinking her coffee without turning her face to look at her.  That way she couldn’t see the endearing look Bee had her way.

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