•part - 24•

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After 2 days:

Author pov

In these 2 days they just enjoyed and today they are going to the beach.

Right now yn was applying lip blam while looking at mirror, taehyung come from bathroom shirtless, he looked at yn and smirk. Yn also looked at him through the mirror, she gasp as she saw him shirtless, water dripping on his perfect abs, wet hairs, she blushed and looked down.

Taehyung smirk and wrapped his arm around her waist and throw his head on her neck inhaling the scent, his grip tighten, he moan while inhaling her scent,

Yn: t-tae *whisper*

Tae: shhh

He shut her, then he started kissing her neck, he was giving wet kisses on her neck, she moan as his lips touching her neck

Yn: ahmm

He started sucking and biting her neck leaving hickeys on her neck, she kept moaning his name, after while he left her neck, and smirk seeing his work, he turned her around until she react he smashed his lips on her, he started suck her lower lip, the kiss was full of love and pure, after minutes she tapped on his shoulder, he pulled our from kiss knowing that she is breathless.

He looked at her who was breathing heavily, he peck her lips and say

Tae: you looking beautiful love *admiring her*

(Yn outfit)

Yn blushed and say

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Yn blushed and say

Yn: you also looking handsome *shyly*

(Taehyung outfit)

He smiled at her and say

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He smiled at her and say

Tae: let's go hmm *smile*

Yn nodded, then they both left from there.

In downstairs everyone is waiting for taehyung and yn,

(Jimin, rose, jungkook, jiya outfit)

(Jimin, rose, jungkook, jiya outfit)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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