Chapter 36

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As we pull up to the house I look at Apollo with worry clear on my face.

'I will speak to him. Just go to our bedroom and I will join you there. It is already quite late.' Apollo tells me.

But as we make our way to the door we both realise that something is wrong. The door is open and there is blood on the handle. Apollo pushes the door open and calls out for his brother, worried.


'Here' A pained voice calls out.

We both run to the kitchen to see Archer leaning over the sink with an arrow protruding out of his back.

'Do me a favour?' Archer asks over his shoulder.

Apollo strides over to him, snapping the pointed end off the arrow, allowing Archer to pull the weapon back out of his stomach, while blood trickles all over the floor.

'What happened?' Apollo asks, handing him a tea towel.

'Hunter' Archer grunt out as he applies the rough material to his gaping wound.

'A hunter? why?'

'Some girl in town was attacked last night, she was found just on the outskirts of the woods. I guess that's why he's here?'

'Who?' I ask

Archer rolls his eyes at me as I ask again.

'Who was the girl?' I say with more force.

'I don't know' He shrugs. 'Some short girl. Blonde, curly hair. I think she worked in the diner?'

'Hayley...' I breathe out, feeling my heart sink.

She showed me a kindness in this town when I needed it. The first time I met her she offered me her help without hesitation. And now she's lying in a hospital bed, going though exactly the same thing I had to, alone.

'What happened to her?'

'Wolf attack' Archer confirms in as little words as he can manage.

'But I thought there weren't any other wolves around here?'

'Not normally, no' Apollo interjects 'But a lot of wolves move around, especially the ones who kill humans. They attract the attention of hunters too easily and now it looks like one has been led our way.'

'Another Alpha?'

'It would have to be. It wasn't a full moon' Apollo states.

'What does this mean? How would the hunter even know Archer is a wolf?'

'I don't know, But we'll have to be careful for a while. Archer will have to go into hiding and we'll have to come up with a plan before the next full moon. Did you get a  look at the hunter?' Apollo asks, turning to his brother.

'No, I was just out for a run when an arrow came flying through the trees at me.'

'How do you know it was a hunter then?'

'Because people don't just go around shooting arrows at other people. He knew who I was. This was a warning shot. He coming for us.'

'And what about Hayley?' I turn to Apollo

'There's nothing we can do for her. It would be too risky to go to her. If we set foot in that hospital the hunter will be waiting. We just have to hope she doesn't get the taste of human blood before the next full moon or she'll risk death.' He tells me.

He must see the unease on my face. The worry I hold for myself and Apollo and the family we have yet to form. The fear I hold for what will happen to Hayley. I pray that she will be stronger then me and resist her urges. And I hope that her life will come out of this unaffected and not taken from her by this nightmare world.

'If there is something I can do to help her I will but my priority is to keep you safe. So you need to stay with me or Archer at all times. Do you understand?' Apollo tells me.

I look from Apollo to Archer and then back to him.


'No Cassandra. This is important. You are important. Please, just do what I ask.'

'Okay' I reply, even though I know it's not a question, but a command.

'Now go to bed, get some rest. There are things I need to talk to Archer about. I'll join you soon.'

I hesitate in the kitchen for a moment. Not wanting to be alone. But After a moment I listen to his instruction and make my way up to the bedroom. When I'm in there I close the door behind me and make my way to the bathroom, wanting a scolding hot shower to help calm my nerves. I run the water, giving it time to warm up as I take my clothes of. Just as I make my way to the shower something catches my eye. I turn to face the sink, looking at my reflection. I look down my body in the mirror to my stomach. The tiniest of bumps showing on my usually flat stomach. I run my hands over the soft skin of my belly when I feel a small flutter. This is real. This is happening. Before it was easy to pretend it wasn't happening, but now there is proof. I feel my heart drop in my chest a little as I continue to stare into the unchanging mirror. I look until the steam from the hot water blocks my view, leaving me still standing there holding my stomach. I don't realise I'm crying until I feel a finger brush a tear from my face. I jump at the contact, not hearing Apollo enter the room.

'I'm sorry' He tells me, placing his hand over mine that's still caressing my tummy.

I turn to him and look into his eyes. He's not apologising for making me jump as his eyes remain on my stomach. I move my hand to his cheek, cupping his face.

'Don't be' I tell him, causing his eyes to flick up to mine.

'Why?' He asks with curiosity and a small smile playing on his lips like he's already knows what I'm going to say.

I smile back up at him without saying anything.

'Say it.'

'I want this Apollo. I want us to be a family.' I tell him.

'Then why are you crying?'

'Because I'm scared.' I admit. 'I just don't want anything to happen that will take all of this away from me.'

He smiles down to me and bring his hand up to my face, running his thumb along my lower lip before he pulls me towards him as he presses his lips to mine.

'I won't let anything happen to you Cassandra. I promise'

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