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Olivia's P.O.V.

When I woke up I felt numb in my lower region and then looked up the sky and saw this sun was already high in the sky. Looking around I saw I was in a forest.
"Huh? Na..."
"You're awake! Ohayou goshuujin." Casper said as he looked down at me in his human form.
"Ohayou." I replied. Just as I was about to ask how we ended up here, I remembered. My heart started to pound and my face went hot. Oh. That is how I got here and what had taken place. Haaa. Well, bye bye virginity. At least it was taken by Ace. So I am ok, happy even. Aaaaaaand, I am done talking.
"You ok. Can you walk? You did put up quite a show."Casper said with a smirk.
"Eh? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!" "Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! G-gomen. I-I couldn't help it. I love that stuff." Casper said as he rolling on the floor laughing. I propped myself up, and realized I still haven't fully recovered for I still felt pain. Why can't the healing work as well down there like how it does everywhere else?
"Oi! Leave her alone you dumb cat." Ace said as he came up from behind and grabbed his collar.
"Ack! U-uncle. I give I give. Can't breath!" Casper said as he tried to take his collar off as he struggled. Ace just kept holding him with one hand as he had a poker face on. I laughed at them and they looked at me confused.
"What's so funny?" They asked.
"Haha. Oh, it's nothing. It's just you guys. Anyway, you can let Casper go Ace. I am used to him like this. He was always a pervert haha."
"Goshuujin. You are a savior! I love you!" Casper cheered as Ace let him go. Casper then rammed into me and hugged me, rubbing his cheek against mine. Ace's eye twitched as he looked at Casper highly annoyed.
"In what way?" Ace asked, clearly agitated. Casper looked back at him over his shoulder and smirked.
"Romantically obviously."
"Why you." Ace said pissed as he reached for his sword but stopped himself, regaining his composure.
"Haaaa, well, I am the one she loves and I did take her virginity. Soooooo, she is mine. Now fuck off." Ace said in a warning voice.
"Haha. Never." Casper kept on going. I sighed and facepalmed. Even though I really wanted to laugh so hard.
"Ok. Casper. You can stop now?"
"Hm? Fine. Haha. I just wanted to see his reaction." Casper said with a grin.
"C-Casper!" I stuttered, embarrassed by his behaviour.
"Ok. That's it. I am pissed. Shoo." Ace said as he picked up Casper and threw him into some bushes.
"I am not in the mood for it right. Come on Olivia." Ace said as he picked me up and put me on his back and started to walk away. I heard Casper laugh and then all of a sudden he appeared on my shoulder as a cat.
"I am sorry. I had to get s good laugh out of that. Forgive me?" Casper asked as he had on a adorable face. My heart melted and I couldn't help but love my kitty and forgive him.
"Awwww. Kawaii. Of course I forgive you Caspy. I love you still. You are my best friend." I.said as I started to fawn over him.
"Ace, do you forgive me?" Casper asked hope in his voice. Ace looked back and then forward again when he said,
"I'm fine. But if you pull anything stupid like that I will make sure to it that you are punished." Ace said coldly as he kept walking. Casper's fur went on end as he shivered a bit. He then whispered into my ear,
"Your boyfriend scares the Shit out of me sometimes." At that comment I laughed. Then, I realized something.
"Casper, my bags, can you go get them? I asked as I was still being carried.
"Hai." Casper said as he ran off to go get my bags.
"Your cat is weird." Ace said.
"Haha. Yea. He is something. I see you were a bit jealous huh?" I teased as I wrapped my arms tighter around him and smiled.
"Haha. Don't worry, I only love you and I will always love you no matter what. I will love you forever and ever Ace." I said as I smiled into his neck. He then held me tighter and I felt him smile. 
"That's good to hear. Now, where do we go?" Ace said cheerful again.
    I looked up and around and then saw a giant mansion behind me.
   "Hm. Do we keep going straight, left, or right?" Ace kept on thinking outloud.
  "Um. Turn around." I told him and sweatdropped.
"Hm? Oh! There it is. Found it." Ace cheered as he turned and started to head towards the mansion. I couldn't help but laugh. Ace is adorable.
   When we arrived out at the front of the mansion Casper was already waiting there with my bags and he was talking to a handsome man with spikey white hair and golden eyes. What struck him odd was that he had fox ears and tail. He was also really tall.          
   "Yoooo! How's it been Kiba?!" Ace yelled out and waved with a smile at the man. Both him and Casper turned towards us and they greeted us. 
  "It took you guys long enough." Casper greeted as he ran up to us.
  "Hehe. Sorry. Ace got lost." I pointed out. Ace then laughed and agreed, like it was nothing. I laughed too, still finding that side of Ace adorable. Then the tall white haired man named Kiba met uo with Ace and I. Kiba then same me as I was on Ace's back still due to my situation and he beamed at me.
"Konnichiwa, watashi wa Kiba desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu."
Kiba said kindly and formally as he bowed. 
 "Wa-watashi wa Kawashima Olivia desu. Hajime mashite(nice to meet you)."
   "Haha. Olivia, this is Kiba. He is a really fun guy and he is the ruler of the Kitsune." Ace said cheerfully.
   "H-he is?! I am so sorry for not greeting you properly. I need a offering. Um, Casper!" I said quickly, embarrassed in not showing him more respect.
Kiba laughed and waved his hands as he shook his head, smiling.
   "Ie ie. You don't have to. Treat me like you would treat any normal human."
"H-hai. Arigatou gozaimasu." I thanked as I bowed my head. Kiba bowed back and then say cheerfully,
   "Well, I'm off. I have business to take care of. I hope to meet up with you again Kawashima-san."        
"Hai(yes). You too." I said happily.
  "Ace. Take care of her and yourself ok?" Kiba said with a slight chuckle.
   "Yea. I will. Now go do your thing." Ace said with a smile, facing Kiba. Kiba nodded and bid us goodbye before he ddisappeared in the woods where the mountain is.
   "Kiba takes care of us and this land. Along with the Kitsune and it's amazing how fast he works. He even listens to what people have to say and helps them with their problems. Just like Akira and some others. Cool isn't it?"
"Yea. It is." I said with a smile as I looked at the mansion with a smile.
  "Yup. Oh, you can live with me in my room." Ace said, being bubbly as ever. I love him! Also, did he just say I can share room with him?!
   "You don't have to if you don't want to though. We have plenty of empty rooms that you can stay in. I am fine either way, just knowing you live in the same building as me is good enough. Now we can see each other more often now." Ace said still having a cheery vocie. I felt my heart beating up against my chest so hard It felt as if it was going to burst as my face was in fire. I smiled and then said happily.
  "I'll love to live with you in your room. It would be really nice. I'd love to."
   "Ok. Lets go then." Ace said as he headed towards the door.
  "Wait." I said. Ace listened and stopped at the top steps in front of the mansion and looked back at me curiously.
  "What's wrong?"
  "I need my stuff. Casper!" I called out and just then, Casper popped up from behind Ace and I, his hands holding my bags and some porn magazines. 
   "I'm here~" Casper sang out with a grin and sparkles around him. Ace and I looked at him with a straight face as we saw the porn magazines. We then faced forward and then the doors were opened by a maid and butler who greeted us with smiles.
   Like the first time I was here, I was in awe as Ace carried me in and I looked at everything. Ace tilted his head up to look at me and he smiled and laughed.
  "Your mouth is open. If you keep it open you might swallow a fly." Ace pointed out and laughed. I then immediatly closed my mouth and blushed, placing a hand over it. Ace kept laughing as he walked up the many flights of stairs and then reached a fifth floor.
"I think it's up here somewhere." Ace said, thinking out loud.
"Uuuuuuuugh. Just find it! I am getting tired of carrying these bags and I want to read my porn and watch the video I took of you guys from last night." Casper whined.
   "You did what?!" Ace and I asked in unison, wondering if we heard that right. Casper then immediately stopped complaining and looked the other way, whistling innocently as he sang out.
  "Nothing~ Now, where is your room Ace?" Casper asked quickly. Then Ace stopped glaring and started to look up, thinking.
   "Um. Where is it?" He mumbled and I sweatdropped. He can get lost anywhere can huh? Again, it doesn't matter. I just find it both shocking and adorable. Gawd. I need to stop thinking all these embarassing thoughts. But it's so hard not to!      
  "Excuse me, Ace-san, you are lost again aren't you?" A female voice said from behind us. Ace turned and I looked over his shoulder to see there stood a curly, brown haired maid with blue eyes. She looked about the same age as us and she smiled at Ace and looked at him with adoration. I didn't like it.
  "Oh. Hey Antonnia. Yea. I am lost again. Haha." Ace answered her.
   "Hahah...who is this?" She asked coldly as she saw me.
   "Hm? This is Olivia. She is my girlfriend." Ace said with a smile.
  "Huh?! G-girlfriend?!" Antonnia asked shocked.
   "Hello~" I sang out as I had on a forced smile. Antonnia looked at me with a death glare saying,"You fucking hoe." I smirked at her and gave her a look saying, "Haha. He is mine BITCH." She glared at me and looked at me too forced a smile as she glared at me with hatred as he look signalled,
"You fucking slut. He was supposed to be mine." We kept on giving each other dirty looks as electricity was crackling between us.
   As we were having a death staring contest Casper was looking at a porn magazine and Ace just stood there with a pokerface as this was playing out. Just then, there was a quiet agreement between me and Antonnia. The better woman wins. She gave me a look saying, "He will be mine." I gave her mocking look saying, "Ha! Try bitch. I already won though."
  We growled at each other and the boys stood there, minding their own business. Then, Ace said something noticing the tension increasing.
   "Um. Where is my room?" He asked. Then, right away, Antonnia became sweet again and smiled at Ace.
  "Follow me and will gladly take you to there." She said kindly to him, taking his hand.
"Ok." Ace said and let her lead him. I felt my eye twitch as a vain popped up on the side of my forehead, highly agitated by her attitude. This bitch is thirsty.
   When we reached Ace's room, I had memorized the way and smiled. I love my photographic memory. Then there are times that I hate it for I can't forget the things I want to forget.
"Thank you Antonnia." Ace thanked and smiled at her. She smiled back with a blush and started to look cute.
"Is there anything else you need." She asked sweetly.
"Yes there is." Casper butted in.
  "Hm? What is it?" Antonnia asked.
   "What color are your pantsu(panties)?" Casper asked as he tried to peak under he dress skirt. She then blushed and screamed, hitting Casper in the back of his head. Casper then had slammed on his face on the floor. He laid there unconscious as blood seeped under him and spilled out onto the floor. A giant round bump sticking out of his white head.
   "A-ano, su-sumiamasen(um, I'm sorry)!" Antonnia stuttered and bowed.repeatedly. Ace laughed and ruffled the her hair.
  "It's ok.  There is nothing to worry about. That pervert will be ok." Ace said with smiling as he laughed.
   "O-ok. Ano, Ace, I..." Antonnia stopped once she saw my death glare and gave up, with a look saying, "I'll deal with this another time."
   "Well, I will go help clean this up." Antonnia said as she smiled at Ace and walked away.
   "Bye~" Ace said cheerfully as he waved goodbye to her as she walked off. I pouted with my cheeks puffed, angry.
  "Isn't she nice?" Ace said, opening his door.
  "Yea, nice." I said, sarcasm in my voice as my eye twitched. Ok, I am never like this. I usually very nice, but no one is allowed to hate me because of who I am with. Much less try to take the one I love away from me. I would love to be her friend but she needs to accept the fact that Ace and I are together. Or else this is going to be a bit bothersome.
  "Well, this is it. Make yourself comfortable." Like the room I was in the first time, it was a beautiful, big room with many pieces of furniture. There was even a desk and book case. Then a closest and bathroom.  Excep was personalized to fit Ace since it had Ace's belongings in it and not to be weird, but it smelled like Ace. It calmed me. 
   Ace then placed me on the queen sized bed.
   "There you go. Now get some rest and heal up." Ace said cheerfully.
  "I love how you don't feel guilty. Haha."
  "Haha. Well, that wasn't even my hardest. Buuuuut, I will save it for a special occasion." Ace said with a sexy smirk. I laughed.
   "Well, if I thought that was good than my mind will be blown out of the park whenever that happens." I joked with a smile. As Ace and I were laughing, we heard a perverted chuckle from behind.
   Ace and I turned and saw Casper standing there with a stupid smile, blood on his shirt as his nose slowly kept on seeping blood. Sparkles around around him.
   "I am liking this conversation already. Go on." Casper encouraged. Just then, a book flew and hit Casper's head.
  "Nya!" He yelled out and fell back. I looked at Ace who dusted off his hands and sighed.
  "Don't you have some porn to read or something?" Ace asked. Casper lifted his head and beamed, his ears popped out and perked up.
  "Why yes I do. Thank you for reminding me." Casper said and ran off with a bag full of porn magazines.
   "Haaaaa. Does he even have a cute and cuddly side like all cats have?" Ace asked with a tone saying, "you gotta be kidding me."
   "He does. But when it's around his time to let his pervert side be satisfied, he isn't normal." I said casually. Ace then plopped down besides me and put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. I felt my heart pound as I watched him. I love him.
   Looking away, I looked around the room. Then, I realized that I wasn't hurting. So, as I tried to get up did it hurt again. Nope. Not gone yet. 
  "H-huh? Oh, yea? What is it?" I said with a smile. Ace smiled too and grabbed my. I felt my heart pound and face burn a bit. Yet, my smile was still there. We intertwined our fingers together as Ace squeezed my hand.
   We looked at each other and smiled. I placed my forehead against his and closed my eyes.  I then whispered,
  "Aishiteru(I love you)."
  "Ich leibe dich. I love you." Ace replied and my smiled grew even bigger. Then Ace kissed me and returned the kiss. When we pulled away, our foreheads touched again and we looked into each others eyes, still beaming.
"Welcome home." Ace welcomed me.
  "Tadaima(I'm home)." I replied, happy to finally belong somewhere & to be able to have a place that I can come back to, a person who will love and wait for me, to have a place to call my home. 

To be continued...........

Thank you for reading. Sorry for the late update. I had a bit of a writers block Haha. Well, until we meet again. Ja'ne.

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