Chapter One - The New Girl

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I've always hated change. I hated when mom got rid of my old baby clothes. I hated when I had to leave my friends behind when I moved into highschool. And now, I especially hate that Jonahs family next door are moving out. I would never admit this to him, but I'm gonna miss walking to school with him. He was practically my only friend. Whoever moves in next door, I just know I'm going to hate them.

I asked mom if she knew anything about our new neighbours, which surprisingly, she had nothing. All of the women at the PTA have been gossiping about them. I'll never understand their obsession with the most mundane aspects of life, though this does nothing to stop me from speculating.

We found out in the evening. A single mom with her two kids. I saw them go in, and the teenage daughter caught my attention. We locked eyes before she quickly glanced away. I ran off to my room.

At school the next day, I saw her in the canteen eating lucnh with Maxine and her friends. Really? Her? I also noticed her talking to an attractive seeming boy. How have I never paid attention to anyone in this school before? He had deep brown eyes, had his hair tied into a tiny ponytail, and wore a flowy flannel jacket that complemented his face. I heard him and the neighbour laugh together. Their laughs were both high, though hers was a little more shrill than his smooth, charming laugh-

"Marcus? You in there?"

I snap out of my daze, and Padma is staring at me, clearly annoyed.


"Why are you staring off like that? I'm trying to talk to you."

"Oh yeah right, sorry"

For the rest of the day though, for some odd reason, I could keep my mind off my new neighbour, her friend group, and that boy in the cafeteria with the cool flannel shirt

The neighbour girl was with Max at home when I got back. I saw her sitting alone in Maxs room. I had talked to her earlier, and her name is Ginny. I think I actually like her. She's fun to be around, and her friends seem cool (apart from Max, obviously). Her friends. Seem cool.

Today has been such a mess of emotions.
hey guys, how do you like the first chapter? Its my first fic, so please be nice :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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I Can Barely Breathe (Marcus x Hunter) - Ginny & Georgia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now