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     It's dark. Just about as dark as the pit of a waterwell. The stars are barely visible in the suburban skies of my neighborhood. The crickets scattered across my backyard like shredded coconut on a cream pie, chirping a symphony of ruckus, pulling me far from a very much needed well rest. Despite the lack of activities that I need to tend to tomorrow, the lack of sleep irritates me more than it probably should. I let my eyelids fall, attempting to slow my breaths in order to sleep easier but groan as I come to the terms of my imminent failure. It's just about as hot as ever under my duvet, but out of comfort from the monsters of the dark, I've never swapped a heavy cover to a lighter blanket. the two-layered, heavy nature of a duvet feels like a hug, like i'm not alone, in a comfortable manner. It's very much so unlike the feeling I get of being watched, like i'm not alone. Ever since my first encounter with Nightmare, I've always felt as if someone, him specifically, is watching me at night. It doesn't feel so uncanny anymore, but it surely feels like an invasion of my very precious privacy. I talk to him sometimes, if he's even there. It's hard to tell sometimes whether or not if he's hiding in the shadows, so I often find myself talking to nothing but the empty space of my room. I'm not so sure if I'd ever want to see him again, he was never the most pleasant individual, but there's not much more that you'd expect from a legitimate being of his kind. Then again, even if it was only for his benefit, he always let me vent any sorts of sorrow I felt, which was a heavy weight lifted off my back at the end of any day.
     After a few moments of pondering over my past, my eyes seem to droop as my body relaxes, finally giving into my fatigue as I pass out under the


     In a forest, dense with tall and skinny trees is where I find myself, alone, or at least I think i'm alone, though my intuition tells me otherwise. I'm no longer asleep, nor tired at all whatsoever, strange. I figure I must be in a dream, as there is no forested land with nearly as much range as this anywhere near where live.

     "H-hello?" I muster as I take a few steps forward, glancing around the scene anxiously. I've never seen such a place as this before beyond a phone or computer screen. The soft, bone-chilling gusts of wind, the dark, damp atmosphere of the forestation. It feels like a twisted fairytale. Just then, I feel a presence out of the corner of my left eye. I turn my head to face the presence, only to be greated by the same familiar gaze of the being of negativity himself, dripping of jet black tar, his deep, blue eye glaring into my dark brown ones. He seems rather pissed, as if I've irritated him somehow, and now he's angry.

     "Why ... are you here?" He asks in A deep, for more distorted tone than I've ever remembered hearing from him. It causes my veins to surge with worry, like the disoriented currents of an electrical wire doused in water, as wavering as he is dangerous. I stutter over my own words, as familiar as they are. He repeats himself,

     "WHY ARE YOU HERE? It's not in your place to be here right now. You should be at home. In bed. "His voice progressing to uncertain aggression as he slowly nears me. I step back. He mutters to himself as I find myself unable to avert my eyes from his own, not wanting to let my guard down. The crunch of dry leaves beneath my feet. My bare feet. I hadn't noticed till now, but it's no matter, at least not as I feel the ground slip from beneath my feet, and I feel the wind against my back as I near ground for far below me. The darkness swallowing me up as I let out a scream that sounds nothing like me before I shoot up in my bed, gasping for air. I slowly realize I'm awake, releif washing over me as I hold myself in place, trying to recover from that weird dream. Or nightmare? It's hard to tell. I can't help but feel uneasy about it, though, like something isn't right. He musti've been all up in my head since I was thinking about him, and it's not like I've never seen him in a dream before. I'm pretty sure he can do that "dream hopping" thing where he can travel to any person's subconscious mind, such as in a dream. I almost begin to ponder on this, but shake it from my mind as I groggily reach for my phone to check the time.
     4:02 am.
     Early. Darn, I planned on getting a good night sleep, but apparently not. What a shame. I can't bring myself to fall back asleep, no matter how hard I try to relax. That dream must've gotten me really shaken up.

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