But they're killing you

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Charlie and Pim have been dating for a few years, and Charlie loves to hear Pim ramble on about stuff, but he doesn't like it when Pim mentions his family. Charlie knows about the bad effects Pim's family has on Pim. Just thinking about the household he grew up in infuriates him. One day, Charlie decides to get revenge on Pim's family for the suffering they made him go through.

Charlie arrives at Pim's families house with a gun and a knife in his pocket. He knocks on the door, and Pim's mom opens the door. "Oh hello, you're Pim's little boytoy, right?" She says slightly drunk while holding a bottle of wine that is freshly open. "Didn't expect to see you here. What do you want?" She says with a hint of aggressiveness in her voice. "I'm just here to give you a gift," Charlie says in a fake, happy tone to appear welcoming and normal.

Pim's mom's expression lightens at a thought of a gift. "Oh how generous of you... what's your name again?" She says, sounding more drunk. "Charlie." he says as he lets himself in and walks inside, ready to put his plan into action. "Charlie, what a normal name." She says trying to sound appealing for her gift.

Charlie hands her a flask full of very strong alcohol, and Pim's mom is ecstatic and starts drinking it as soon as she gets her hands on it. Charlie puts his plan into action starting with Pim's sister who's the closest at the moment. Charlie puts a gun against her head as she turns her head and is have to face with a gun. "I- uh- what!? I-IM TO BEAUTIFUL TO DIE!!" She screams as an attempt to be spared.

Charlie shoots her and moves onto the dad. While going to kill Pim's dad he shoots the kids running around the house then finds Pim's dad watching TV. Charlie shoots him multiple times before moving onto Pim's cousin and shooting him before approaching Pim's mom. He points the gun directly in Pim's mom's forehead.

Pim walks in with the intention to spend some time with his family. Pim walks in to find Charlie pointing a gun to his mom's head. "C-Charlie what are you doing!?" Charlie looks at Pim with a pained expression before shooting his mom. Pim runs towards Charlie grabbing his arm in hopes of stopping Charlie from hurting her more. "Sorry Pim it has to be done.." Charlie says.

"Stop Charlie your hurting them!!" Pim yells with tears in his eyes. Charlie looks at Pim with tears in his eyes. "But Pim... they're killing you..." Charlie says as he hugs Pim crying and Pim returns the hug while crying as they hug each other in comfort.

The end :)

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