17. A Date.

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She left me roses by the stairs...

JASPER IN ALL OF HIS EXISTENCE, had never felt so nervous. Scared.  

Sure his years with Maria were revolting, years of feeling the feelings of the other newborns, manipulating them into co-operation, he had felt fear then. But the second he disposed of them, the feelings of fear and being scared dissipated; the feelings weren't his.

But now, he didn't know what to do. Even with Esme's help, he had gone through three frying pans already, each food item somehow becoming more cremated than its predecessor; his military composure had completely disappeared, his posture uncharacteristically tense, and his golden locks tousled. 

He had to make this perfect. 


At around midday, after Emma had long gone to work, Trixie was awoken to a loud knock on her door, taking a glance out of her ajar window, the teen was pleasantly surprised to discover one, Alice Cullen, on her porch. 

After informing the awaiting immortal the door was infact unlocked, Trixie raced to tame her knotted hair, make her bed and throw on a presentable outfit until Alice made it up the stairs. 

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Alice greeted cheerfully as she all but barged into the room, fluttering about within the sunlit room, clothes immediately being removed from hangers before being discarded onto the teens bed. 

Unsure of how to react to her friends invasion, Trixie began to brush through her hair, the sound of the brush joining Alice's occasional 'Nope' as she discarded more and more clothes. Once all the knots had been removed, Trixie was met face first by her black cotton dress, one she had hidden towards the back of her closet. 

"This is perfect! Honestly Trixie, under all of your hoodies and fuzzy socks, you really do have a good fashion sense." Alice teased, a playful scowl forming on Trixie's face as she crossed her arms and squinted at her friend.  So maybe her wardrobe did consist of hoodies, but Alice had no need to bring the fuzzy socks into this. 

"Now, I want you to go in there," Alice pointed a finger sternly towards the bathroom door, which could be viewed from the open bedroom door, "put this dress on, and let me worry about all the rest." 

Collecting the clothing, Trixie walked towards the bathroom, a confused look crossing her features, as she glanced at her friends choice. 

Isn't this a little much for dinner at the Cullen's?

Deciding not to risk facing the wrath of Alice Cullen, Trixie thought it best to wear the dress. After slipping on the soft fabric and adjusting it, Trixie forgot how much the black dress complimented her figure. Albeit slightly baggy around the waist, the dress outlined the curve of her breasts and hips before landing just at knee length. 

Taking an unnecessarily deep breath, Trixie opened the bathroom door and moved across the hallway back towards where Alice stood waiting; a curling iron and Trixie's long forgotten corset belt in either hand. 

Fidgeting uncomfortably with the hem of her dress, Trixie allowed herself to be guided by Alice into her desk chair, which had been moved to face the free standing mirror that lay propped against the adjacent wall. 

Trixie felt sick, she didn't know why Alice was going through the hassle of dressing her up just for a dinner, something she has experienced a few times previously, and whilst she's had Alice's advice on outfits before, for some reason this felt different and Trixie was scared. 

She couldn't help but fidget in her seat, her belt suddenly felt suffocating, her lungs felt constricted, her hands clammy. 

The only thing grounding her was the feeling of Alice's fingers raking through her hair, the feeling of the slight heat from the curling iron reminding her that this was Alice, her friend, everything would be fine, that there was no need to be feeling as nervous as she was. 

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