Episode 1 (or is it chapter 1? I dunno!)

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The scene opens with Dr. Samantha standing in the hallway, trying to get her key card to scan for the door. It isn't working due to her rushing it from frustration because she was just in an argument with Dr. Potter because he tried to set SCP 096 free. She briefly thinks about where Dr. Meredith is. She assumed he's fine.
ACT 1:
Meredith is being beaten up by a magic dwarf. He just got hit with fairy dust and is currently seeing things. Someone rushes in and hits the dwarf with a shovel. Meredith stumbles to a standing position, and looks at the person who saved him. It's none other than the big shot of site 38, Dr. Miller Kraken. The lilac haired man grabs the purple tied gentlemen and pulls him along.*
Kraken: "Come on! That won't keep him down for long!"
*Meredith barely gets a chance to speak before he is pulled away from the dwarf*
Meredith: "Who the hell are you!?"
Kraken: "Oh I see how it is. You don't even recognize your past lover!"
*Meredith squints at the man.*
Meredith: "Are you.. Jameson?"
*Kraken throws Meredith in the back of his car, jumps into the driver's side and blasts off to site 19.*
Meredith: "WENDYS??"
*They pull into the Wendy's drive through*
??: "Hi! This is Kimberly! What can we get started for you?"
Kraken: "Two chicken sandwiches. Oh, and whatever he wants."
Meredith: "I would also like a chicken sandwich."
Kimberly: "Okay! That will be 29.99!"
*Pays for it anyways*
Kimberly: "Alright! Just pull up to the front and we'll have that out for you!"
*Kraken pulled up to the front, but even after he pulled his foot off the pedal.. his car still kept going. It was like someone was pulling it. He looked out the window and saw three dwarfs pulling it.*
*He suddenly slammed his foot on the gas.*
*The dwarfs screamed in rage and ran away after being smacked with a car.*
Meredith: "...I wish I stayed at the foundation with Samantha.."
Kraken: "Ugh, you stay at site 19?! That place is BORINGGG! Site 39 is way cooler."
Meredith: *annoyed sigh*
*Kraken twiddled his thumbs for a while.*
Kraken: "So uh.. I kinda forgot your first name. You always just went by Meredith."
Meredith: "...Kieran."
Kraken: "Huh?"
Meredith: "My name is Kieran."
*Kraken nodded.*
Kraken: "People think my first name is Kraken, but I'm actually Jameson! I even have Miller in my name! I was going to be Felix Larksong, but uh.. my dad didn't like that."
Meredith: "I've heard tales of your father before, how come you never mentioned him?"
Kraken: "...I uh.. don't like talking about him."
*Meredith nodded. He knew Kraken didn't really have a good dad.*
*The woman came out with the food and handed it to Kraken. She saw some blood on the front of his car, but Kraken sped off before she could ask about it.*
Kimberly: "...that dude was weird. Probably some fugitive."
*Well.. she wasn't wrong.*
*Meredith was eating his sandwich in the car.*
Kraken: "So.. about that whole.. Alt. Meredith thing.. eh?"
Meredith: "I don't know what to say about that, but the bastard broke my arm and twisted my ankle. I hate him."
*Meredith lifted his hair and showed scars across his forehead.*
*Kraken's eyes widened before he let out a low, impressed whistle.*
Kraken: "Dude, that's gnarly!"
*Meredith leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes.*
Kraken: "Awh, I can tell why Samantha likes you, you're adorable! And stupid on occasion but adorable!"
Meredith: "People forget that I can defend myself-"
*The car swerved, Kraken narrowly avoided hitting a pedestrian.*
Kraken: "Phew! That was close. The O5s would've grilled me for HOURS if I hit that dude!"
Meredith: "O5 council?"
*Kraken stopped the car. He just said something stupid. He grabbed Meredith by the tie.*
Kraken: "...Don't you tell anyone what you heard."
Meredith: "You don't scare me, my soul was ripped in half once. TRY ME. STEP UP YOU FUCKING [DATA EXPUNGED]
*Kraken slowly grins.*
Kraken: "Hah! Feisty! I like that! y'know, I took you for a worthless twink who relied on his big scary wifey!"
Meredith: "You have no life or wife."
*Kraken slowly leaned back in his chair, contemplating.*
Meredith: "So uh.. think we should go back?"
Kraken: "Yeah."
*And the two go back to the foundation. Meredith returns home with a ton of bruises from the shenanigans and has no clue what to tell his wife.*


- Disturbed_Banana_Man :3

Edit: forgot to mention, Dr. Samantha isn't mine. She belongs to a friend of mine, she isn't my OC.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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