Chapter 1: This Venerable One Dies (Recalling Chapter)

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Moran stilled in his seat, thinking a lot of things from when Chu Wanning was still alive.

Would he stop me from swallowing this deadly poison? Would he turn his back and leave like he did when Shi Mei, the love of my life, is dying? Would he spare me his little attention?
Shizun, I fucking hate you.

He gripped the glass tightly around his hand and tears began to trickled down his face. He choked back his quiet sobs and lifted his sleeves to harshly wiped his tears away.

"HA HA HA", he laughed maniacally, feeling remorseful of what he did to all the sects and to the innocent people he killed just because and especially to his fucking shizun.

Yes, he always thought his shizun deserves to be tortured. And by that, making Chu Wanning whimper underneath him, thrusting in and out in an animalistic pace of his shizun's abused hole while hot wet blood oozing out of it. Of course, he fucking love how Chu Wanning clenched his jaw and cry infront of him begging to stop. Spouting nonsense about how his disciple turned tyrannical like this.

"Mo Ran, I can’t take it anymore… It hurts…"

"Mo Ran, just kill me"

This made Moran's insides twirled in happiness, seeing his shizun crying because of him, thus his shizun's attention was now his, all for him.

He cannot remember how joyous he was after seeing the look of his shizun being tied up. But he didn’t want to grant Chu Wanning a quick and easy death, so he’d shackled his limbs, cut a small gash in the artery of his neck, and enchanted the wound to not congeal.


How he loved to watch Chu Wanning's blood trickled out drop by drop as his life slowly drained away bit by bit.


Xue Meng entered the hall, looking around while breathing heavily, perhaps because he ran from the foot of Sisheng Peak to the top of the mountain. He was holding his sword while his other hand still holding the knob. He busied himself looking around til he found Moran sitting by his throne.

Mo Ran didn’t look up. He only rasped, “Xue Meng. It’s you, right? Have you come?”

Moran lifted his head and looked over Xue Meng who also looked back on him. The two disciple's reunion took place. Yet Mo Ran’s face was devoid of expression as he sat there with his chin propped in one hand.

Xue Meng inspected Moran's appearance. He saw not the rumored savage fiend with three heads and six arms, but rather, he saw a tired looking face and a pale lips.

Oh,  so he poisoned himself huh

Xue Meng already concluded that Moran is planning to kill himself by poisoning himself while looking at the glass Moran is holding. He also saw graves being dug already outside.

"Where's Shizun?" he asked.


"I said, where's Shizun!" Xue Meng shouted as he repeated his words. “Yours, mine, our shizun—where is he?!”

“Oh..... I already killed him."

“You!” Xue Meng’s face went white, and his eyes widened as he stepped back involuntarily. “You can’t have… You wouldn’t…”

"Mo Weiyu, are you even human anymore? He once…” Xue Meng continued in disbelief.

"He once what?" Moran said.

Xue Meng could only choke out, “His… His temper is terrible, and his words are harsh, but even I know how well he treated you. So why… How could you…”

"How could I you ask? Xue Meng, he ended the life of the only person I ever loved. The only one.” Moran smiled, a painful one rather.

A long silence engulfed between them.

“Still, we were once master and disciple. His body is resting in the Red Lotus Pavilion at the southern peak. He’s been very well-preserved and lies there among the lotus blossoms, looking like he’s only fallen asleep.” Mo Ran broke the silence while enduring the pain he slowly felt because of the poison he swallowed, slowly affecting his body.

“Go,” he said with a rough voice. “Go see him. Without my spiritual powers, he’ll turn to dust. If you don’t make it before I die, it’ll be too late.”

"As long as I'm still sitting here alive, Shizun will still be there." Moran added.

Xue Meng immediately ran towards the entrance and went to the Red Lotus Pavilion leaving Moran.

Finally, Moran can feel that his life is ending so he decided to lay down in his coffin and close his eyes, waiting for his end.

After many hours, army invaded the resident palace of the emperor. However, what awaited them was an empty Wushan Palace, a Sisheng Peak without a soul, and at the Red Lotus Pavilion, Xue Meng, who had cried himself numb, slumped over on a floor covered in ashes.

And finally, before the Heaven-Piercing Tower, the long-cold corpse of Mo Weiyu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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