Meet the sonas

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Note from Author: This will be not so serious but also serious at the same time people who read this. Also this chapter is the only fourth wall break that I can think of so far from the sonas.



"Hello reader, I am what many refer to me as the 'Whole' or 'Harmonia'. Although the name I go by is Sam when I am out in the real world. My friends don't know this as to them it's only a night as it will be like im dreaming but in reality it's been days or even months when my splits happen.. Now you may be wondering.. What are you talking about when you say splits..? Well simple honestly.. I have this rare case of DID.. So rare in fact that it is umheard of.. But anyways I physically split into three people when under tons of stress or if I feel like not myself." Sam says as he pauses for a moment as he then looks over at 'Soul'.."Anyways imma pass this mic over to the one most similar to me out of the parts..-"



"Yo! My name is known as the 'Soul' or some refer to me as 'Atlas' but my actual name is Vian. But then again, you may label me what ever you like. As you know I'm the devil looking mf that deals with the bullshit of 'Heart' and 'Mind' and their constant fighting. Also before you ask.. Yes I am sick of their bullshit. No I do not want to end the vessel no matter how bad this bullshit is.. Also before you ask.. Yes I am the only one out of the three of us parts that can do any harm to the 'Whole'.. I also have powers due to it.. You could say I'm 'gifted' or 'cosmically kissed' in a way. I don't care which you perfer... Just know that I will gladly die trying to ensure that 'Whole' is able to stay as one. No matter how hard that may be.. Sure say it's 'optimistic' or whatever but I will keep trying.. Although that doesn't mean that if I lose the hope I have left.. I won't end it all.." Vian says as they paused for a moment before clearing their throat. "Anyways passing on the mic to the emotional one of the parts..."



"Wait it's my turn..-?" 'Heart asks as they tilted their head as they were given the mic by 'Soul'. Honestly.. They seemed a bit nervous or about to cry.. Who knows..- "Ok.. Well.. I'm what you guys may call 'Heart', 'Artemis', or 'Juno'... Although the name 'Soul' and 'Whole' tend to call me is Nyx.. Which is my name by the way..- I'm the emotional one but also the one who has all of '"Whole's'" emotions when he is splited into three... I am a blind angel due to something that happened... That part would be explained later on honestly..- Just know that when it happens.. It will be icky.. Depending on if the writer write it in..-" Nyx says as they debate if they should pass the mic or not but know they need to do so. They then just sighed.." Anyways giving the mic to the logical cynical machine of the parts.." Nyx mumbles at the end of their thing as they then used their wings as a way to figure where our final speaker is at.



'Mind' just rolled their eyes as they just walked over to 'Heart'. "Just give me that you illogical angel. Should've just called me over instead of trying to find me idiot." 'Mind' says as they scoffed and then took the mic from 'Heart'. They then walked back to where they were before clearing their throat as they see in the corner of their eyes of 'Soul' moving 'Heart'back to where they were. "Hello. I'm what many refer to me as the 'Mind' or as 'Apollo'. However I am called as Donnie or Lucy depending on whatever people want to call me. As 'Heart' or the idiot said, I am basically a machine. But then again that is just part of my design after all. I'm the logical side of 'Whole' as 'Heart' had mentioned earlier. Anyways, I'm passing the microphone back to the writer so they can end this chapter." Lucy/Donnie says as they then walked over to the writer and gives them the mic back.



So.. Yeah.. There's those four.. This story might take a while until i get out of writers block but here's at least this until I can get started on the actual started. Just know this will be worked on. Also my MC story and any story I am working on is also being worked on but they are in my school account which I don't have access to during summer vacation sadly. But they are in the works as well.
Anyways hope you have a great day or Night depending on the timezone you are in or whatever!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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