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Nomandla Paris Khumalo

When I wake up, I notice that I'm alone in bed and it is now dark outside. The lights are on in the room but the sliding door curtain is slightly open. I stretch my body as I yawn, I feel something glued to my forehead. I touch it and it's a paper, I rip it off of my forehead so I can look at it, and it's a note. This man has such an ugly handwriting aybo! The note reads as so,

"I had to leave urgently babe because something came up back home. I'm sorry to have left you like this, I promise to call you before you sleep. Please eat, I made you food and it's in the warmer. Keep the house keys with you. I love you ke."

I don't even know why I am blushing hawu. Abafana will be the death of us. I take my phone and text my sister telling her to please fetch me. I quickly go take a short shower while I wait for her reply. I change into his sweatpants and baseball shirt. I think I'll be obsessed with his baseball shirts. I tie my hair into a simple bun and continue to wait. I go downstairs and eat my food. My phone rings

Me: "Hey?"

Pearl: "Open for me."

Me: "Wait there, I'm coming."

Pearl: "Okay, be fast!" I quickly wash my plate and make sure everything is okay, I grab my phone and rush out. I find my sister parked right outside. I get in the car and greet her.

Pearl: "Ya! Why am I fetching you?"

Me: "Because you're my sister?"

Pearl: "Isn't your man supposed to drop you off?"

Me: "Ohh! He had an emergency to attend to ekhaya kubo."

Pearl: "Mmmm! So tell me about the date!" I blush and start telling her everything.

Mom: "Mawungeke ubuye namanye amawele nje sis!"  (As long as you don't come back with another set of twins.) she says as soon as I walk in with Pearl.

Me: "Sawubona mama."

Mom: "Go check on your kids, they have been crying since we came back!" I walk to my room, I almost scream my lungs out when I find them emptying their chest of drawers and their baby powder is spilled everywhere. I defeatedly take a sit on my bed and just watch them.

Mom: "Uyavuna sisi." she says laughing with her phone in hand.

Me: "Kodwa mah!"

Mom: "I'm filming it so that you always remember this moment when you are busy making another set of twins! And I guarantee you, it will be worse the second time." yoh! This woman!

Pearl: "What the...?!" she exclaims walking in.

Mom: "Wozani bofanoz baGogo!" these rats crawl to her immediately leaving their mess as is.

Mom: "Clean up this room wena, Pearl musize since you encouraged her to sleep out." I don't think I'll ever hear the end of this neh?!

Pearl: "Come, let's clean this up fast."


Me: "I'm so exhausted." I say after finally getting a chance to throw my body on my bed. The parents have long gone to sleep with their grandsons.

Pearl: "Go shower then sleep, you have work tomorrow." I nod.

Me: "Thank you."

Pearl: "Angithi you heard your mom! kuthiwe ngiyakuhlohla mina!" she rolls her eyes making me laugh. I go take a nice long shower and finally get out. I just plait some simple sleeping knots on my hair after moisturizing my hair thoroughly. I really need to do something about my hair hey, it's not pretty manje. I just wear some granny panties, I don't care what you say but these are so comfortable especially when I just want to sleep naked (**cries in comfort**)

I grab my phone to check for any messages after remembering that I'm not single anymore. I find a few missed calls from Lifa. I return the call and he answers almost immediately.

Lifa: "I was about to call again."

Me: "Sawubona baby." he chuckles.

Lifa: "Hey muntuza. Usale kahle?!"

Me: "Yes baby and thank you for that food, it was amazing."

Lifa: "It's okay baby."

Me: "Did you travel safely?"

Lifa: "Yebo sthandwa sami. We are currently having a small family meeting. Ey kushubile baby!"

Me: "Is everything okay?!" I ask after yawning.

Lifa: "It's a lot going on, I will tell you all about it mangibuya. For now please rest yezwa?"

Me: "Okay. I miss you."

Lifa: "I miss you guys even more."

Me: "Hhayi Lifa! I didn't include your sons so nawe please don't."

Lifa: "Hawu!?!"

Me: "I'm not very happy with them okwamanje baby! Yazi I didn't answer your calls because I've been busy cleaning up a mess they made! I'll send you the video." He laughs.

Lifa: "Aw ngiyabaxolisela nkosiyami."

Me: "Hhayi angixoli."

Lifa: "So what will it take for you to forgive us?"

Me: "Money."

Lifa: "Okay. Goodnight sthandwa sami. Let me not keep you up, you have work tomorrow."

Me: "Goodnight baby."

Lifa: "I love you."

Me: "I love you too." he hangs up. Shortly after, a notification of 'money in' pops in. Washa!!!


Pearl fetched me today after work and we drove straight to the mall. I was taking her along so she could help me decide which hairstyle should I do and also help me with changing my wardrobe since they always emphasize how much I look like a tomboy.

Pearl: "You need a lot of short dresses and skirts sis. We need to start showing your beautiful legs please!"

Me: "Okay." We go around shopping until my feet can't take it anymore.

Me: "Ay ngeke, let's continue some other time ngeke. I'm tired mina." she rolls her eyes.

Pearl: "Fine. We need to change your perfumes too. You smell like a high school kid." God! What did I do to have such a loud mouth as a sister?

Me: "Okay can't we order some of the things online?" I really prefer purchasing online rather than hopping from store to store."

Pearl: "Whatever! Let's go." we walk to her car. She drives past a fast food joint and makes me buy dinner then she drives home.

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