ace in the hole

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one thing that bothers me a lot about people (both lgbtq and not) is the lack of understanding for aroace-spec and the indenture of ace and aro people in general.

A lot of people, weather they are lgbtq or not, assume that the term "asexual" refers to being fully opposed to sex and romance, which is a very outdated definition of it.

Asexual is only standing for those who feel little to no sexual attraction, aromantic stands for those who feel little to no romantic attraction.

These are separate labels to explain different feelings. Lots of people also fail to understand that you can be ace without being aro (and vice versa)

ANDDD people also have trouble understanding that sexual and romantic attraction are spectrums, not just being into it or not.

Most feel both, some feel neither, but others feel somewhere in the middle of the road.

Here are some charts for ace and aro identities that some identify with. There's also combination identities like Demirose and Grayrose.

 There's also combination identities like Demirose and Grayrose

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Another aroace thing that bugs me a little bit, is people's unwillingness to accept certain identies on the aroace spectrum

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Another aroace thing that bugs me a little bit, is people's unwillingness to accept certain identies on the aroace spectrum.

When I mean aroace spectrum, I'm referring to identies like grayrose and Demirose. Both are combination identies for grayromantic/graysexual and demiromantic/demisexual, which are technically on the aroace spectrum.
Lots of people disregard these, since most believe aroace is just a complete aversion to romance and sex, when it is also a spectrum.

Sorry for this long rant that probably means nothing, I just wanted to talk about some aroace things because as an aroace-spec person I see a lot of content that doesn't fully understand it.

a random shitpost of shower thoughts I've had regarding lgbtq topicsWhere stories live. Discover now