Dean and Castiel's story

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"Welcome to Winchester Bros. Coffee house! Brewing things, baking goods, the family business!"

The coffee house motto was a real cliché, but hey, it brought in business.

My name is Dean Winchester and I owned a coffee house with my brother, Sam. It was a family business, it's just not that cool of a family company to have. Coffee. I mean, it wasn't even a very all the time kind of business. You have to wonder who will want coffee at two in the afternoon. It was just impractical.

But here we were, sat open until five freakin pm for your caffeine/pastry related needs.

It was another long day, waiting seemingly endlessly for that five o'clock close time to roll around when he came in for the first time. I looked up at the sound of our tiny 'customer alert' bell and saw a man in a trenchcoat. He had short, well groomed black hair and bright blue eyes I could see all the way from the counter.

"Welcome to Winchester Bros coffee house..." I recited reluctantly. It was almost the end of the day...This dude might have had good looks, but if he had me late for my date with my bed I'd have a fit.

The trenchcoated man walked over to the counter and looked at our display of baked goods. He didn't say anything, just looked them over intently with those bright, otherworldly eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked after an awkward moment of him eating the entire display window with his eyes.

He snapped up and looked at me. "Ah, yes..." He nodded. He stood silent and I sighed.

"What can I help you with sir?"

"Oh, yes. I would like two of your honey twists and a cup of decaff to go." He bounced on his toes as he said 'decaff' and I couldn't help but laugh lightly.

"Alright. You owe me $6.43." I said, punching the memorized prices into the register.

The man nodded and passed a few crumpled bills across the gray counter. I was putting it in and retrieving change when I noticed him staring at me. I looked up from the register making contact with those unique eyes.

"Yes?" I asked uncertainty.

"Aren't you going to ask my name? For the cup." The man asked, as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Sure mister, what is it?" I sighed, somehow managing to break eye contact and dig out the rest of his change.

"Castiel." He said plainly.

"Alright Cas," I said immediately shortening his name, "give me just a minute and you'll have your order." I passed him his change and went to work on his decaff.

Castiel looked around the small shop, taking in every small detail it looked like. I hoped he wasn't one of those secret shoppers. Those guys were great at causing Sam and I trouble.

I kept stealing quick glances at Castiel, hoping he wouldn't notice. There was something about his eyes that I couldn't get over. We had a lot of people roll through the shop, but I had never seen eyes as intense as his. It was like they were crafted by angels themselves...

The coffee machine buzzed, pulling me back to my boring little reality. I poured the drink into a portable cup and bagged his two honey twists.

"Alright Mr. Castiel." I held up his order. He turned to me with a smile.

"Thank you...Dean?" He squinted at my name tag.

"No prob." I grinned,giving him the thumbs up once he took his order from my hands. "Hope you enjoy."

Honey Twists and a Decaff (Destiel AU)Where stories live. Discover now