7 - Orange Cats and Little Son.

17 1 0

K. Aren

I don't think everyone hates her like she always struck her head off. Because the way everyone treat each others is never close to insufferable, beside just a set cluster of infected zero of their insanity.

Even though she shows so much tempered to our head class, but for once she was likely to be tamed by the spiky, energetic red haired class representative.

I wonder what kind of threat or worm baits he bribes her till she decides in this conversation to celebrate a surprise party?

Because I don't think she's kind of representing her face in every dull party in this world.

Beside that obsession towards those haunted houses....

Now everything's click.

Hairo unquestionably passed the homework in flying colors gathering three quarters of the notable classmates in this planning.

Minus aside the side characters that barely seen in the manga nor the anime in season one.

A specific bold title with the popping party pooper next to the headlines on the whiteboard indicates the obvious planning here.

Hope Saiki won't catch any of the spoilers before the date... which is likely in any time he will.

Because.... you knew them right?

Fascinating type of reaction would be created on each of their faces, creeping out some faces that will engrossed on that pink head.

Well, except for [Name]. She only existing for the sake of tickets to the massacre place in the summer.

No matter how you plan out your hardest and if the above doesn't want to execute like how they want, so be it.

None of that, everything's turned out going well. The surprise party, the birthday present and the unknown bald round eyes appear on the tape video television screen when we all choose to celebrate it at Saiki's home.

Until Saiki mentioned we hype too earlier than the supposed exact date.

Three months earlier.

Thanks to Hairo and Nendo for listening to those delusional kids about the incorrect information.

But still in the end, [Name] won the ticket without showing her face in Saiki's household and celebrating the wrong date of his birthday.

"'Some male cats breed mine and choose to not be responsible for giving birth to ten kittens.' is what she tells me."

Saiki just replies with his remarkable stoic face.

'Please don't tell me that male is a citrus breed.'

A ping sound of notification pull in our attention to one of our classmates.

Chiyo's twin shows her message with a picture in that conversation between her and the person with.

It's [Name].

Looks like she really tells us the truth.

Saiki rolled his eyes after seeing the attached picture.

And the cat is orange.

——— ☂️ ———

One who awaiting for the summer holidays to dip their body into the clear water of oceans.

And one who awaiting for the days of the disaster of motor license, which is two days from now.

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