8 {Prove}

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"Thank for loving me so much." "There's no need to thank us for loving you. It's just what we, what I feel for you and I'm gonna prove my love to you."

Saying this Dokyeom kisses me passionately, deeply, kinda roughly and demadingly. I moan in the kiss, kissing him back with the same level of love and passion.

His hands travel to my waist holding me close to himself while my hands wrap around his neck.

"You're all we ever wanted
Y/N." He mumbles between the kiss pulling back as we both gasp from air.

"You all are who make me complete." Hearing my words Dokyeom smiles softly.

He leans closer and kisses my forehead. "Right now all I wanna do is, mark every inch of you as mine."

I knew I am red like a tomato. "We're in my University, and in a Janitor room."

I see him grin and walk to the door locking it. "Just stay quiet and don't make any noises, I promise everything would be fine."

"Dokyeom-" Before I could complete my words his kiss cuts me of. Rough demanding and dominant.

This man makes me feel weak on my knees. Makes me want to devote my whole life and everything to him.

I moan, his hand tangles in my hair. "You're a gem, we won't ever let go, my love." His free hand goes inside my sweatshirt.

The bony, soft yet cold fingers of his make contact with my soft and soomth skin, while he pulls my hair a little, exposing my soft neck.

I bite my bottom lip resisting any moans. "Don't you dare, make any noise or else..."

A dangerous smrik on his face, his voice more stern and rough as he continues. "...I won't touch you."

I respond quickly with a simple nod to his commanding words. His delicious lips marking my neck and collar bone making it hard for me to not moan.

His other hand moves from my waist to the waistband of my pants teasing them. "Mmm...Dokyeom~"

I let out a small moan hearing a chuckle, a dangerous and dark one.

"Looks like you need a punishment Y/N." I shake my head but before I could say or do anything I felt his fingers playing with my clit.

His touch makes me arch off the wall, it made me feel like in the nineth cloud. I bite my bottom lip my nails dig in his shoulder through his white shirt.

I try my best not to moan. "You better not moan." His command clear and loud, while pinching my clit. I gasp but contain my moan back.

"Look at you.. so wet, and needy for my touch, gasping...trying not to moan. Such a good girl." I heard dark chuckle from him.

"Cute.." I gasp from air bitting my bottom lip as Dokyeom thrusts two finger till his knuckles inside my pussy making me yell out of pleasure.

My eyes closing themselves. Closing my mouth I hold back a moan, my eyes tearing up.

His tender lips make contact with my tear on my left cheek.

"Only if you can see, you'll know how beautiful and heavenly you look right now."

His lips connect with mine moving in sync. A passionate rough and loving rhythm.

His finger pumping in and out of my tight pussy. My walls clenching his fingers tightly.

"You are our little heavn
Y/N. A beautiful heaven we will always cherish."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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