Truths ??

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In the shadows of their world, Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul’s resentment towards the Kohli family simmered. They believed the Kohli patriarch, the father of Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik, had torn apart their own family. Mahi and his brothers had never forgiven the Kohli’s for the suffering they had brought, and now, their wrath turned toward Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik.

Mahi’s once loving demeanor towards Jaddu had transformed. His once gentle hands now held Jadeja with a steely grip, as if trying to mold him into a vessel for his frustrations. “You’re a reminder of the pain we suffered,” Mahi muttered one night, his voice low and cold. “I need you to pay for the sins of your father.”

Jaddu’s breath caught in his throat as he tried to understand Mahi’s shifting behavior. But his confusion and fear only seemed to deepen Mahi’s resentment. Every touch, every whispered word seemed to sharpen the blade that Mahi held against Jaddu’s heart.

Rohit, too, turned his bitterness toward Virat. “Your father’s actions destroyed everything we loved,” he hissed one evening, his hands trembling as he gripped Virat’s arm tighter than necessary. “You’ll pay for his legacy.”

Virat’s eyes welled with tears as he struggled to comprehend Rohit’s sudden cruelty. But the darkness in Rohit’s heart only deepened as he found new ways to torment his husband.

Rahul, unable to bear his own rage, turned his frustration toward Hardik. “Your father is to blame for everything,” Rahul spat, his voice trembling with anger. “You’ll suffer for the life we lost.”

Hardik’s pleas for understanding fell on deaf ears, and he soon found himself trapped in a web of emotional torment spun by Rahul’s harsh words and icy demeanor.

Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul’s cruelty reached new heights. They withheld kindness and love, feeding on the fear and despair they instilled in Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik. It was a cycle of torment that darkened their lives and left scars that would never fully fade.

It was not long before the cruelty took its toll. Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik withdrew further into themselves, struggling to understand the sudden shift in the men they had once loved and trusted. Their spirits waned, and they soon began to notice signs that something was wrong.

One evening, while sitting together, Jadeja’s gaze shifted towards his stomach, and he whispered, “I think something’s wrong.”

Virat quickly checked on himself and Hardik, and the three soon realized the unthinkable—each of them had miscarried. The loss shattered them completely, and they were left to grapple with the deep sadness and emptiness that consumed them.

The news of the miscarriages reached Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul, and they were stricken with guilt. They had never intended to harm their husbands in such a way, but the damage had been done.

“I can’t believe we were so blind,” Mahi murmured, his voice low and heavy with regret. “We were too consumed by our own hatred to see the consequences of our actions.”

Rohit buried his face in his hands, tears streaming down his face. “We let our anger and bitterness blind us to the love we once had,” he whispered.

Rahul’s voice trembled as he spoke, “We need to find a way to make it right.”

Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul spent the next few days trying to make amends. They sought forgiveness from Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik, confessing the depths of their remorse and vowing to never allow hatred to consume them again.

The road to healing was long and arduous, but they were determined to rebuild their relationships with their husbands. It was a slow process, but with patience and understanding, they began to mend the broken bonds.

Through this journey, they learned that love and compassion were the true pillars of any relationship, and they vowed never to let bitterness cloud their hearts again.

Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul found themselves confronting the painful reality of the damage they had caused. It was a dark chapter in their lives, but they were determined to make amends.

They began to show their husbands, Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik, the love and support they had long withheld. It was a slow and tentative process, and trust needed to be rebuilt. But the three brothers understood that this was the only way to salvage their relationships.

Mahi spoke to Jadeja one evening, confessing his regret. “I was blinded by my own anger and hatred, Jaddu,” he admitted. “I never wanted to hurt you.”

Jadeja listened, his expression softened by the sincerity in Mahi’s voice. “I understand now,” he said quietly. “We all make mistakes. But we need to learn and grow from them.”

Rohit took Virat out for a long walk, where he confessed his own failings. “I let my father’s actions define how I treated you,” Rohit admitted. “I’m so sorry, Virat. I was wrong.”

Virat looked at Rohit, his eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and forgiveness. “We all have our dark sides,” he replied. “Let’s learn to be better for each other.”

Rahul found Hardik in the quiet of the garden. “I never should have let my anger control me,” Rahul confessed. “I realize now how much I hurt you.”

Hardik’s eyes welled with tears as he looked at Rahul. “We’ve all been through so much,” he murmured. “Let’s move forward with love and understanding.”

It wasn’t easy, but each of them took small steps toward redemption. They began to share more of their hearts with each other, slowly breaking down the walls they had built.

In the weeks that followed, Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik found themselves cautiously opening up to their husbands once more. It was a time of healing, and though the scars were still fresh, they knew they were on the path to recovery.

Mahi, Rohit, and Rahul continued to learn and grow alongside their husbands. They found new ways to strengthen their bonds and support each other through the trials they faced.

One evening, as they sat together, Mahi, Rohit, Rahul, Jadeja, Virat, and Hardik shared their dreams and aspirations. It was a moment of vulnerability and connection that strengthened their resolve to move forward with love and understanding.

In the quiet of the night, Mahi whispered to Jadeja, “I love you, Jaddu. I’ll never let bitterness take me away from you again.”

Jadeja leaned into Mahi, his heart swelling with warmth. “I believe in us,” he murmured. “We’ll get through this together.”

And so, they walked the path of forgiveness and love, learning to embrace the lessons that life had taught them. With each passing day, they grew stronger as a family, and they found peace in knowing that their love could conquer even the darkest of storms.

Hehe 😅 thought of posting it later but here it

PS don't hate me for this chapter I can write 200 words in 10 minutes hope you like my writing style

PS don't hate me for this chapter I can write 200 words in 10 minutes hope you like my writing style

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