All of a Sudden

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"..and there was love all of a sudden, happiness all of a sudden." Orhan Kanik

Attila was beyond panicked. Visibly, he seems rather calm, perhaps even irritated. Mentally? He felt as if the world had stopped. As if orhan was all there was.

It was calm at first, orhan hadn't found any ghouls in his area, so he came to bother attal. Needless to say, attila was not impressed.

Mid argument a ghoul snuck up behind orhan and bit him. It wasn't a big deal, really, so attila shook it off and teased him instead. Things only got worse.

As one thing led to another, orhan used his ability on the ghost, causing them all to focus on them. Attila was perplexed. He felt that he should be scolding him and calling him stupid while running for help. That or Mayne just run. But no. He stayed and for orhan.

Clenching his fist, attila grabbed his dagger and dashed into the crowd of ghouls. He hated orhan. His writing, his hairstyle.. attal grunted as he felt a cut on his cheek. He shouldn't care, but he did, and it was all bc of that stupid ability.

Crying out in pain, he doubles over and coughs up some blood.

"Fuck, that dumbass.."

He truly wanted to give up. While he may be rather gifted with paper and quil he felt useless in thw ability area of things. For a second he thought 'if orhan cant do it then I stand no chance.'

Even still he persisted. Sparing one glance at orhals twisted face he glared. You're not supposed to make eye contact with the ghouls. Everyone knew that. And yet even still and glared at every single one. 'Don't fucking touch him he thought.'

Suddenly a strange energy surged up his body. An ability. But over him of all people? As the fight drew to a close orhan felt the need to make a remark.

"Thanks for saving me blue, I guess you really cam be nice" orhan laughed and flashed a toothy grin. That idiot sandwich.

"Rest assured I only saved you becouse your an asset to the professors, that's it." Attila felt himself wince at the thought of such a heartless reason. He wasn't sure why but tonight orhans smile seemed to shine brighter and the way he drawer out his words.. he was stupid there was no denying it and yet for some reason he sort of enjoyed it.

Holding himself back attila stood up and hoisted orhan up on his shoulders. Walking side by side they walked off to genuinely no where. Usually such an idea would drive attal a little insane but no, he was just happy it was all over.

Three days later.

Everyone was congratulating attal on his ability awakening but he couldn't fully enjoy it. It wasn't just him after all, that night attal struggled so much that he needed an ability to survive but orhan..

Just as his thoughts of confusion, Jealousy, and rage began to spiral he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, thanks again. You know BLUE brains, if you learn to relax a little we could really get along." Deep down attal felt relief upon seeing his face but he would never admit that. Instead he simply rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Oh cmon we had a bonding moment! You can't just ignore me like that! Unless wait, you're in love with me, aren't you?" Attila could tell he was just joking as per usual, but the idea was already planted into his brain. 'No,' he thought. "This is just his stupid ability at work..'

Call it denial, but attila was determined to stick by his rules even if it hurt a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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