Chapter 1

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I'm laying on my bestfriend Senjus couch waiting for her to finish getting ready. We are going out tonight, well we will be if she ever finishes getting ready.

"Senju, I really need to get a job" I say as I scroll on my phone looking at clothes I can't afford. I recently just lost my job. I worked as a bartender but because I'm just now twenty one the owner said I didn't know my alcohol enough to be a bartender. I just rolled my eyes when he told me that and left. I wasn't going to beg to keep the job.

Senju walks out in a short tight dress with her hair and makeup done. "I know someone looking for a nanny" She says as I sit up

I make a face "Babysitting?" I haven't babysat since highschool. Not really wanting to go back to it.

"Yes, babysitting. She's a sweet girl and I think you and her dad would get along well. He's a nice guy just busy with work. She says flipping her phone around in her hand. "So, do you want his number?"

I let out a sigh. "I guess" Whats the worst that can happen? I need a job and babysitting isn't that hard, and if Senju is saying the kids sweet than I'm going to believe her as she isn't a big fan of children. She puts the guys name and number in my phone telling me to call him. I don't want to call this late but Senju says he's a night owl and this would be the best time to get ahold of him.

Senju sends him a text letting him know I'm going to call him about the job. I let out a sigh and push call on his contact name.

It rings a few times before I deep, rough, lazy voice answers. Fuck his voice is hot. I look at Senju and she smiles at me. "Um hi, Senju told me you're looking for a nanny and I was interested in the position." I hear him click his tongue, music is blasting in the background and I can hear people talking but can't make out what they are saying.

"I can meet you in two days if that works for you?" I tell him it does and he says he will send me an address and time. I thank him before getting off the phone and telling Senju I have an interview with him. She smirks at me and tells me I'll definitely get the job. We talk for a few more minutes before deciding it's time to head to club Hydra.

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"Get out, Just get out!"

I hear a deep voice yell before I see a girl around my age run out of the door with tears streaming down her face. I gulp, noticing it's the address Mr, Imaushi sent me. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. I knock on the door and wait, fixing my skirt as I do.

The door opens a few seconds later. A man around my height with blonde and purple on top hair is looking at me, "Hello sir, I'm (Y/N). Are you Mr. Imaushi? I'm here for an interview."

He clears his throat as his eyes move up and down my body. "Come in" he says moving out of the way. I walk in and look around, stunned with how beautiful the penthouse is. Mr. Imaushi walks passed me and sits on a couch and points to the couch across from the one he is sitting at. I take a seat, adjusting my skirt so it doesn't ride up my thighs.

"So, (Y/N) why do you want to be a nanny?" He asks me I tell him I love kids and was a babysitter during highschool. He nods his head and continues to ask me questions ranging from cpr certified to my educational background and a few more about my time babysitting when I was a teenager. He nods his head at everyone of my answers before asking.

"What do you do besides babysitting?" He asks

"Oh, well honestly sir, I'm not really working right now. I was a bartender but that didn't work out" He nods his head and again and doesn't say anything else. It's silent for a moment before I clear my throat and ask him what he does.

"Huh?" he says with a confused look on his face,

"I asked what you do sir"

He clears his throat "I own a club and work in.. trade" He says saying the work trade a little differently than the rest of the sentence.

"Oh, so your a businessman!" I say smiling

"I guess you could say that" He says as his eyes move over my body again.

"What club do you own? Maybe I know it."

"It's called Hydra. I doubt you've heard-"

"Oh, the one across from the ramen shop" I say. He nods. "I've been there a few times with friends."

He tilts his head to the side and a slight smirk is on his lips "Well I wasn't expecting that"

I smile at him "I didn't realize you were the owner. I thought the guy with the scar on his face was. I see him there every time I've went. "

"Takeomi" He says as he rolls his eyes "He likes to pretend it's his club. I can't kick the idiot out since he's my friend"

I giggle. " he tried to get me to sleep with him. Don't get me wrong I like older guys but he wasn't really my type"

Mr, Imaushi smirks and he raises an eyebrow. "So you like older men huh?"

My face heats up and I clear my throat "Can we continue with the interview please?"

He chuckles and asks me a few more questions. By the end of the interview I'm being offered a job. I accept and he asks if I can start tomorrow evening.

"Wait, really?" He nods his head and I let out a squeal jumping up and wrapping my arms around his shoulder hugging him. When I realize what I've done I quickly let go, looking down feeling embarrassed. "Sorry" I whisper.

Mr. Imaushi walks me to his door and tells me he will call me this evening with all the information. I thank him again and leave, pulling out my phone to call Senju and tell her I got the job.

Senju tells me I'm going to love his little girl and to expect long nights because Mr. Imaushi or Wakasa as she calls him works long nights. I smile to myself excited for the new job and nervous for tomorrow.

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