Horrible Childhood

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trigger warnings: abuse, drinking, and swearing.

Growing up was hard in my household. I was the middle child and always struggled to fit in. My older brother (18) would constantly make fun of my grades, clothing and my bad anxiety. My little sister (8) would also make fun of my grades and saying I have no friends, both of them would steal things from me, smash my stuff and laugh as I get bullied at school, and abused by my parents.

My parents had high expectations for me when I was younger, expecting to match my siblings successes. By the time I was 14, I were really insecure and I became home schooled.

(I was born on, 14/10/1964)

My mom had this friend who was pregnant the same time as her. She gave birth a month after my mom, and she had a girl called, Rory! I and Rory grew up together. Go everywhere together, shopping, sleepovers, school, swimming, theme parks etc. But that stopped when we were 12. Well for me. 

My mom stopped seeing Rory's mom and I stopped seeing Rory, because of my mom. Rory would call everyday but no one was aloud to answer. One day my mom was sleeping on the couch and everyone else was out. I heard the phone ring at the time; 11:09. The exact time Rory calls. So I answered it, hearing Rory's voice for the first time in years made me so happy. "Hey Rory i have missed you so much..!" I had to whisper it tho. We were talking for some minutes then my mom heard you, she got up and walked towards me slamming the phone on the side, ending the call. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" My mom shouted at me and it made me jump a little. "Mom i'm sorry, i just want to talk to Rory!"

She cut you off and slapped my face. "WELL YOU FUCKING CANT, GO TO YOUR ROOM AND YOUR HAVING NO FOOD FOR THE DAY." I ran upstairs and she kept shouting. I slammed my door and immediately cried in my pillow. 

Some Hours Later - 04:12, in the morning.

I woke up on my back and my stomach was rumbling, i looked to my side and saw my mirror was smashed up. Stupid siblings or parents!!? I rolled my eyes and went back to sleep. In the morning I was woken up by my father..

My father. My worst enemy, he got my wrist and pulled me out of bed. "Get up and watch your sister." he said staring in my eyes with a evil look. He then dragged me out of my room, walked downstairs and sat me on the couch. My sister was sitting there drawing next to me. "Y/n, don't answer the phone, the door. And watch her whilst me, your mom and brother go out to get FUUCKING WASTEDDDDDDDDDDDD." My dad shouted wasted so loud I nearly went deaf. I nodded and made a big sigh, oops. It was 8 in the morning..

As my father and the rest were walking he turned and heard my sigh. In this family if you sigh that means you cba and hate it here. He snapped his fingers at me and shook his head no and left. That means i will be in pain tonight. NOT LIKE TAHT.

Whilst i was babysitting my sister it was like she changed over night. She was nicer to me. I thought i was being set up but i wasn't..? We played with barbies, drew together and then she told me something. "Y/n.. I need to tell you something. I'm sorry for acting the way i was. I don't want to be rude to you. But when they come back i would need to act rude to you." I was left speechless, what happened, why is she saying that, is she a bot? WTFF? "Wait what? Are you joking" I say confused. She shakes her head no and hugged me.

Some Hours Later - 22:34. At night.

My sister was sleeping on the couch and i was watching a movie when they came back and busted through the door, really. really. really drunk. I was actually scared. "WHERE'S MY BEAUTIFUL LITTLE KID?" My father shouted, luckily my sister didn't wake up. My father came to the living room stumbling and knocking down things. My mom and brother went up stairs to sleep i guess.

My father saw me and my sister and he dropped his bottle full of beer ruining the carpet. "Y/n, what did you do to her. She's d-dead." He said leaning on his knees looking at my sister, SLEEPING. "No? She's sleeping be quiet." I whispered. He shot his head up at me and stood up, grabbed my arm and yanked me up. He stared into my eyes with a tense look. And he punched me, i stumbled back and my nose bled quickly. He then punches me again in the stomach and eyes. "Don't you FUCKING lie to me you bitch." He grabbed my neck and shook me. That's when my sister woke up and i snapped. "DAD, YOUR FUCKING DRUNK AND YOU WOKE HER UP. AND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SHES DEAD. JEEZ I FUCKING HATE YOU." i grabbed his arm of my neck and i ran out the door and ran away from that fucking house.

I also found out that Rory sadly passed away from dr8gs.

I met my boyfriend, Axl Rose at age 14. And his band members. We all got along really good.

That's the last time i ever saw my parents and siblings. I am now 22

(this is so cringe but idc olololol)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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