Mini-Stage 2

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Frustration hung heavy in the air as Bruce addressed the group. "Alright, let's brainstorm. How can we help Damian make some friends?"

Stephanie, ever the optimist, piped up first. "Common interests! Damian, what are you passionate about?"

"Swords," Damian replied stoically, absentmindedly petting the nearby dog.

Duke chuckled. "Maybe something a little less... 'stabby'?"

Without missing a beat, Damian added, "World domination has always intrigued me." He patted Ace with a hint of a smirk, clearly relishing his dramatic statement.

Bruce, ever the pragmatist, offered, "Animals?"

Damian's face softened a touch. "Oh yes, animals are nice." He scratched Ace behind the ear with newfound focus.

"Great!" Bruce exclaimed, relieved at a sliver of progress. "Let's explore that avenue and see the others."

Duke, eager to contribute, suggested, "Clubs or teams? What about tennis?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "Tennis? Damian, I wasn't aware..."

"A boy on the tennis team insulted Father's honor," Damian interrupted, puffing out his chest with misplaced pride. "He will be dealt with accordingly."

"Oho..." Author commented, having a theory to what Damian's on about. 

Bruce, well aware of Damian's ruthlessness, sighed. "Let's steer clear of the tennis court, shall we? Appreciation for the suggestion, though."

Shifting his gaze, Bruce looked hopefully at Jason. "Jason, any insights from your... experiences?"

Jason, never missing a beat, deadpanned, "I broke my best friend out of prison. True friendship at its finest."

Both Bruce and Damian shot him incredulous looks. "Not exactly the context we're aiming for," Bruce dryly commented.

Folding his arms, Jason muttered, "Whatever," and retreated back into his book.

"How about your talents?" Author said. "You're good at swordsmanship, martial arts, and art. How about that? Talking about your talents isn't that bad."

Duke glanced at Author at the mention of something 'stabby'.

"Subtract the martial arts and sword parts and you'll be good." Author added.

Damian huffed, his frustration bubbling over. "This is a waste of time," he grumbled.

Despite the bleak outlook, Bruce offered a reassuring hand on Damian's shoulder. "You'll be fine, Damian. Trust your instincts."

Duke shot Damian a worried glance, unsure how that would translate for the young warrior.

End of Mini-Stage 2

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