Mini-Stage 5

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[Setting: Y/n's luxurious mansion – bathroom]

Scene opens with Y/n submerged in a grand, ornate bathtub. The soft light filters through the steam rising from the water, which is infused with the scent of lemon and white roses. The room is quiet, the only sound being the gentle ripple of water as Y/n adjusts her position, resting her head back against the edge.

Y/n (thinking, softly): (Inner voice, relaxed) "Finally, a moment to breathe..."

She closes her eyes, letting her mind drift. The 4th wall camera slowly zooms in on her face as snippets of the day flash through her mind—her interactions with Damian, their quiet conversations, the laughter they shared, and the intense look in his eyes that she couldn't quite shake.

Y/n (thinking): (Inner voice, puzzled) "Why do I keep thinking about him? It's just Damian... nothing more."

Her brow furrows slightly as the flashbacks intensify: Damian's teasing smirk, the way he effortlessly matched her wit, and the brief moments when his usually guarded expression softened when he looked at her. The 4th wall camera cuts to these moments, showing Damian in slow motion, his eyes a deep, intense green, almost as if they were seeing right through her.

Y/n shifts uncomfortably in the bath, her thoughts becoming more chaotic. The 4th wall camera shows her trying to shake the thoughts away, but they persist, each one stronger than the last.

Y/n (thinking, frustrated): (Inner voice, firm) "This is ridiculous. We're just friends. Why am I overthinking this?"

She sits up suddenly, splashing water over the edge of the tub. Her expression is a mix of confusion and mild irritation as she tries to rationalize her feelings. The 4th wall camera cuts to her reflection in the bathroom mirror, where she sees herself—cheeks flushed, eyes wide with uncertainty.

Y/n (thinking): (Inner voice, uneasy) "It's just... he's different. But that doesn't mean..."

The scene shifts to a brief, almost comical daydream: Damian, sitting next to her in class, casually glancing over at her. Y/n imagines herself awkwardly blushing and stammering, which only makes her more frustrated. She quickly shakes her head, trying to dispel the image.

Y/n (thinking, slightly panicked): (Inner voice, questioning) "Why am I acting like this? It's not like me..."

She leans back into the bath, closing her eyes again, but now her expression is more serious, contemplative. The 4th wall camera focuses on her face as she slowly starts to piece things together, but there's a reluctance there—an unwillingness to fully acknowledge the possibility of her feelings.

Y/n (thinking, softly): (Inner voice, almost resigned) "Maybe... it's just because he's one of the few people who doesn't treat me differently. That's all."

The 4th wall camera pulls back, showing Y/n sinking deeper into the bath, trying to find comfort in the warmth of the water, but her expression remains conflicted. The tension in her shoulders hasn't fully relaxed, and there's a hint of something unresolved lingering in her eyes.

Y/n (thinking, a little wistfully): (Inner voice, hesitant) "But... why does it feel like something more?"

The scene ends with a close-up of the jade incense vase, the delicate scent of jasmine swirling in the air. The 4th wall camera lingers on Y/n's face, showing her deep in thought, still wrestling with her emotions as the steam continues to rise around her, blurring the lines between her thoughts and reality.

[End Scene]

End of Mini-Stage 5
552 Words.

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