Shes more than a one nighr stand (ashley purdy love story)

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She's More Than A One Night Stand [Ashley Purdy Love Story]

Over the years what can I say, that my life have had it's up's and downs but only because of ONE guy and his freaking raging hormones. Yet oddly enough it has helped me see the world clearly as like I never seen it before. Dating Ashley Purdy has made me point out the users, the actual sweethearts and the players in L.A.

My parents really liked him but we went down hill all because he couldn't contain his 'joy' and I caught him with someone else. I basically sent both him and the chick on the butts in the winter cold. Years after that, I put my passion back into action and I'm now signed with Lava Records and in the middle of releasing our first album, My second album is gonna have more original songs and everyone gets to hear how I came to the stage.

Walking into the kitchen I noticed one of my pieces of junk mail was making me notice it's existence. I simply walked to the table and took it into my hands.

I ripped it open as it read,


Knowing you, you possibly thought this was a piece of junk mail or a bill. Lucky you read before you threw it god knows where. Anyway, writing to let you know, we have been receiving calls from your old boyfriend, flame, friend with benefit whatever you wanna call it. I can't remember the name but you will. Well anyway, that's one and two me and your father are moving down to New York. We decided to let you experience L.A on your own and see how you lead your life. Don't worry we support your singing career no matter what after all you are our daughter. Just two conditions is all we ask of you, One: No getting Pregnant and Two: No Drugs or Drinking. You can follow those two.

Anyway, talk to you soon don't forget to call, doesn't matter what time.

XOXO Mom and Dad.

I looked at the letter than smiled, same old mom. She never wanted me to make the mistakes that she did. But that one line caught my attention,

"we have been receiving calls from your old boyfriend"

'Ashley has been calling my get to me??' I thought, 'This should be fun'. After reading that one line. I've been remembering all of the things me and him would do together.


I was on his laptop checking some of my emails too see if I got accepted to any colleges. That is until I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, and a kiss to the neck to make me giggle.

"hehe..Ashley, I thought you were in the shower?" I said as I turned my head to look at him.

He gave me that smirk I always loved, "Well I was but I got lonely so I thought I would keep you company" He kissed my shoulder blade.

"I could of joined you in the shower you know" I said to him in a whisper in his ear. I batted my eyelashes at him as he picked me up as he still had my waist yet I wrapped my legs around his.

'Well now that sounds better" we closed the gap as I kissed him again after so many times I have always felt the spark in every kiss. We took off into his shower and had the one of our best nights that I hoped for.

~*~*End Of Flashback*~*~*

I shook my head as I sighed, "He just left you in the dark's not like you will ever see him again" I got changed into a simple pair of skinny jeans and a v-neck. I was meeting up with the rest of my band members, so we can get to talking about our album and which recorded songs will be on it.

I hopped into my car and drove off to the studio. The next 10 minutes of driving has never been this quiet before, I would usually have my ipod plugged in blasting while driving. But after that flashback, it has gotten me off guard a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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