Nice To Meet You, Theodore.

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Hi, i'm Genevieve, and this is my story, enjoy!!!!

     What an awful morning. Eating breakfast alone because my mom and dad has gone to work. Well atleast they left me a few money. As i'm off to college, i've enjoyed some beautiful views. The birds on the streets, all the lovely couples, the new baked croissants scent coming from the pastry shop, and the MARVELOUS Eiffel tower. After a long walk, i finally arrived at my college, Freeford. For your information, i don't have a lot of friends, but i do have my best friend, Chloe. We always did the best handshake compared to others.

     "You're late." Says Chloe.
     "I'm always late,don't act surprised. I
     "You missed Theodore's arrival."
     "I don't even know him, why should i waste
      my time just to wait him arrive?"
     "He's like the HANDSOMEST GUY alive."
     "Yeah, so what? Move aside, i got a class to
      catch up."
     "Fine, but meet me at lunch."

     I wasn't in the mood to go to my class, so i hide in the janitor's room. I went to turn on the lights, and surprisingly there's a boy sitting on one of the chairs there while reading a book. His perfume smells amazing, and that medium wavy hair with his black leather jacket.

     "Sorry, maybe i should leave." I said with
     "Stay if you want sweetheart." He answered
      with his seductive voice.

My heart skipped a beat and my face cosplayed a tomato. His voice hypnotizes me.

     "What's your name?" He asked.
     "G-Genevieve..." I answered.
     "Pretty. Mine is Theodore, but you can
      call me Theo."

MY GOD, THIS IS HIM! IT'S THE THEODORE, no wonder why every girl is so obsessed with him.

     "Hey, why aren't you in class, genny?"
     "I wasn't in the mood. By the way,
       you chose a nice nickname for me."
     "Hahaha, me too. I think we go to the same

We continued to spoke for a while, and he asked me for my number which i gave him. Oh, i think i'm in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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