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Sana's P.O.V.

After sending Yui to collect Ami and others and bring them here, I waited inside my cabin while I sorted some paperwork off. 5 minutes later, they were all here. Before I could say anything Haru spoke up.

"Yui informed us about the kid gaining consciousness, how's he doing now?"           she asked, others looking at me with the same questioning gaze.

"Yeah, we are going there right now. He seemed to be a lot more calm now, so I think now is the right time to visit him as well as talk to him."       I replied as they all agreed without second thoughts. Guess they were all much more worried than me, although they know how to keep their faces blank we can tell how they are still worried deep down. I exchanged a look with Yuna and blinked once in assurance as she blinked back.

Jun's P.O.V.

Soon we were all on our way to the hospital he was admitted in. Reaching the hospital, we got down and moved towards the reception area and asked the nurse present there about, Kenji, that might be his name I guess. Looking at other Team mates of mine, I can see they were all worried and curious to know and talk to him. But Ami seemed more restless and impatient even, lost in her thoughts. Moving towards her, I gently put my hand on her shoulder as she snapped back to reality.

"Huh?"        she looked back, at me as I asked her if she was fine. She just nodded as yes, I knew she was anything but fine right now but I didn't press further as we started walking towards the room.

Reaching the room, we saw him awake talking to the nurses while they did their work. And he seemed to be doing Okay-ish with the way he was behaving all cheerful. Reaching there, Sana knocked informing them about our Presence as she and the nurses nodded at each other in greetings and we simple smiled a bit as they walked past us, smiling back. We slowly went inside as Sana sat down on the chair beside the bed and Ami stood on the other side of her.

"Hey kid, do you remember who are you? Or how did you ended up here?"    Haru, came straight to the point as Yuna swatted her hand, the boy looked at us confused.

No One's P.O.V.

The boy looked at them, confused and slightly scared.

"Hey! How are you feeling now?"     Ami asked, slightly smiling the boy to make him feel comfortable. The others let her be, the boy kept quiet for a few minutes, looking at her. They all waited patiently for his answer.

"H- hello! I- I am fine"          he replied, stuttering a bit. This time Yuna asked, in a soft tone.

"That's great to hear! Do you remember your name? Or how you ended up here?"         she asked, her voice soft and friendly, trying to make him feel comfortable.

"Yes, I am Kenji, Kenji Hayashi. And no I don't remember how I ended up here."          he replied, as the others gave him a sympathetic smile. Looking at each other, they communicated with their eyes and nodded towards each other slightly.

"Okay. Do you want to know how you ended up here or anything like where you were before?"       Ami asked, as Kenji nodded slowly.

"Well, are you a Beyblader?"        Yui asked all of a sudden, making the boy panic and look here and there. He was slowly starting to panic not finding his Beyblade near him. Ami slowly took it out of her pocket, and handed it to him as the boy thanked her making her ruffle his hair.

"Well, are you guys Beybladers too?"     he asked, getting excited all of a sudden. The others looked at him bewildered at his sudden excitement but nonetheless smiled and nodded, making him cheer again.

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