By Vow, I Kill

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14 Years Ago

He hopped out of the car, slammed the door behind him and dashed straight inside the hospital. His breathing turning heavier with every step he took ahead. There were myriads of anxious thoughts following him along with his men as he halted before the desk and dug his nails into the counter.

"Where's Bellina D'Angelo admitted?" His voice came out raspy, sweat beaded his forehead.

The receptionist jerked up from her seat, seeing him. "S...Sir, you're here. S...she is in the operation theatre, currently under surgery," Kieran's spine buckled as he frozenly took in her words.

" with her?" His mother's voice resonated in his mind. 'They will kill me, Kieran,'

She nervously flipped the register and looked for a name. "Nobody, sir, nobody is enlisted with her name, I'm afraid you are her son, you won't be allowed to go in...but, we have contacted Mr. Angelo, he..." Kieran glanced to his right and recalled where the theatre was. Upon remembering, he sprinted toward the theatre. His mother needed him, he had to make sure of her safety at all costs.

By the end of the corridor, he reached the theatre and was about to barge in when a nurse stepped out. Kieran halted and tried to look inside when the door opened for a slight second. A heart-wrenching bolt of screams of Ballina blared from inside. Kieran's heart lurched in his throat.

"What is happening inside?" He tried to go in. The nurse blocked his way.

"Sir, you can't go inside, she is delivering the baby," Kieran shot him a bloodshot eye. He was trembling with rage, the nurse gulped in fear but didn't back off.

Kieran fumingly glared at the door and backed a step. He gestured his hand for Mariano to step ahead. "I don't believe them, send Anna inside," Mariano nodded his head and signalled Anna to get in through a head bob.

Just as Anna tried to get past the nurse, she was stopped as well. "No, visitors, as well," The nurse gave Kieran a steady eye. "We have been strictly instructed to ensure her safety at all cost,"

Kieran fisted his hands and stepped over her face with a grave look that promised destruction. "I swear by my blood, if anything and I mean everything, happened to my mother, then you and your fucking family would be the first to get sliced by me before I set this whole hospital on fire," Kieran promised her with his eyes. "You get my word? I won't spare you if something happens to my mother or my baby sister," No matter how much the nurse tried to stay resilient but his unmistakable madness was having her gulping.

"Your mother is fine, we will take care of it," She managed to speak her line firmly. "Now if you just sit and let us do our work, that would be helpful," Kieran stared at her for a long moment before he jerked back and ran his hands through his hair.

The nurse exhaled heavily and retreated inside.

Four hours had passed and the delivery still hadn't finished. Kieran had been on his toes from that moment. Every time the medical staff came out, they told him to wait. He was done with it. He was itching to go inside and check himself but he didn't have the courage to, which was why he ended up instructing Anna to go.

Anna came back a few moments later and announced his sister was born. Kieran scoffed with a breaking smile and closed his eyes in relief. He was officially now a brother to 2 sisters.

"How is she? When can I see them?" He enquired to the doctor who came out with Anna. He reassured Kieran about Bellina's condition and told him to meet his sister in the VVIP room.

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