Becoming His Woman

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A sigh escaped her lips before she gradually parted her eyes. Her blurry vision settled on a white marble that was closing its gap on her. Frowning, she blinked and raked an eye around. Turned out she was being carried by someone to the bathroom. It didn't take Adeline a moment to interpret that it was him. For only he could have such a possessive grip on her.

As they stepped inside the bathroom, a ray of blossoming sunlight peaked through the white drapes and brightened the aura of the bathroom, unknowingly comforting Adeline. To make it even better, Kieran gently placed her inside the hot jacuzzi and crouched next to it.

Adeline let out a throaty groan and rested her back against the warm marble, closing her eyes. Kieran smiled warmly and ran a hand over her locks, sucking her gorgeous face with a loving glint in his crystal greys. Smoothly, his gaze trailed down on the artwork over her breast that he delivered all night. Wild, raging purple hickeys were proudly staring back at him, stealing another curl of smile.

"You look beautiful..." He commented softly while wrapping a strand around his thick index finger. Adeline slowly opened her eyes, his heavy gaze glided back to her face. "And mine," Adeline took a moment to gauge his expression, there was something secretive and sacred coming from him. Something that she quite didn't understand.

His eyes, once again, descended to her body and Adeline also followed. Her gaze apparently widened with every mark she discovered on her chest, arms and shoulders. She glanced through the streaming water, her stomach and thighs had the worst hickeys ever, that made her gulp and look up to him with puppy eyes. Kieran understood her sentiment and inched closer to her.

"Hey, it does not hurt, does it?" He slipped his fingers through her head and asked her tenderly. Adeline partially lost herself when he started massaging her scalp ever so softly.

"Answer me, sapphire, are you hurt somewhere? Was I too rough?" He placed his finger under her chin and grazed it with his thumb. Adeline was lost in the moment for a while until she faintly shook her head.

" looks bad but it's not hurting me," She lightly moaned as he continued to massage her.

"Good," Kieran guided her back against the marble and dribbled water with his fingers over her chest. "Is the water warm enough for you?" She nodded her head and bit her lips, making the sight awfully erotic. The girl had no clue how hard she made him with her one reaction.

His gaze morphed heavy as he began rubbing the valley of her breasts with his palm, eliciting a lewd moan out of her. Kieran gulped with laboured breath and averted his gaze, resisting her urge to join her in with him being above her and kissing the daylight out of her but he turned around and grabbed her cocoa body wash. She already had a long night and he didn't want to endanger their baby's life with excessive intrusion.

Kieran opened the lid and was about to pour the content on his palm when suddenly Adeline grabbed his hand, taking his focus back to her. She was looking intently in his eyes. Kieran sighed and felt his body beating the intensity of hellfire. That much effort her innocence was doing on him.

"Thank you," Kieran, breathing heavily, slightly arched his brows.

"For what?" He enquired curiously, his greedy gaze burning holes in her cheeks.

"For being there for me," Adeline flushed and lowered her gaze, biting her lip. "And helping me with my emotions," She glanced up the moment she heard a heavy sigh from him. He seemingly shuddered with the fire inside him. His devils were pushing him to suck on those pulpy lips yet he resisted.

"Are you okay?" She pressed his hand with a concerned look, only making it worse for him.

"Are you?" He asked back, tugging a strand behind her ear. Though, he was sure she was somewhat fine after Mando mixed a low-potency antidepressant into her juice. He was still surprised the pill worked quicker than he expected and even targeted her libido.

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