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I sat by breakfast table in silence as i watched mom and dad avoid talking to each other. Yes, i heard her screams last night and my dad punching her to a pulp, but i did nothing. I closed my eyes and put on my earphones, and listened to music until it all ended. When it was done as usual my father left my mom in a pool of her own blood so ill go to the wine cellar and take out a bottle open it for her than go up to her room help her take a bath and place her in bed as she nurses a bottle of wine with her telling me not to label all men like my father. Not all men cheat on they woman. Not all men come home and abuse their wives, beat them black and blue. Not all men are as arrogant as my father is, and the funny part is. The same monster that constantly abuses my mother is the same man who treats me like heaven on earth. My dad is a station commander for our local police station on a special unit, and my mother is a doctor at the local hospital . Yes, we are not poor nor very rich, but we are comfortable. My brother Nduduzo is a chattered account, and the minute he turned 18, he ran out of here and never looked back. Yes, he visits but doesn’t stay too long cause when dad starts his bullshit he jumps in. Am doing my last year at one of the best schools, and i know very well that if any school accepts me, I am leaving just as my brother did and am never looking back. Iv asked mom a million times to leave him, but she won’t and i learned the hard way not to force her. I looked at her beautiful face and how she had been a pro at covering up the bruises. I ate my food and looked at mom and never said anything, and when I looked at dad, I saw he was looking at me, and I looked away, not saying anything. I'm writing maths today, so I am not about to let they mess, mess up my head. I finished up and looked at mom again trying to figure out where the blue eye went and it blew me away that it not there and I turned to look at my dad gentle hands that has never hurt me and looked at him to find him looking at me. I looked right at him and said nothing. The funny part in all this is that my dad never rules me by fear, and instead of being afraid of him, I am actually the opposite. I scare him at times, so he says. He cleared his throat.

Dad: Ubhala ini Arena?( what are you writing)

Me: Maths

Dad: When are you finishing?

Me: By twelve than I am going to the beach to cool off than come home and revise paper two

He took out his wallet and took out 500rand and gave me and I took it thanking him. Here is another thing about dad after they abusive night, i get money. I take it and stash it in my bank account. Mom will get flowers later than get taken out to dinner, which is then followed by life shaking sex. I know because our walls are not so thick. When all is done, they are good for a week or two rather than back at it again. The bus hooted and I took my bag kissed my mom good bye and waved at dad as I left and got in the bus sat at my seat going to school as I looked out of the window leaving all my home life drama at home.

My name is Arena Shongwe, and this is my story.

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