In the Way He

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     Bakugo wakes up easily, rolling onto his back as his eyes flutter across the ceiling.  He couldn't deny that the first thing on his mind was Misako, but he tried to excuse himself that it was only because he needed to check on her every time he woke up.  He sucks in a breath, willing away the nagging thought that he knew that was a lie.  
     He turns on his side, and something heavy settles in his chest.  She's not there, her book sat on top of the stack.  He sits up, checking the time.  It's still a little early, so he was surprised she'd left to go see Todoroki already.  But, he reasoned, she had been trying to rebuild her friendship with the two boys, so that was probably it.  
     He stands, stretching in the dim room before pulling open a curtain.  Sunlight bathes his bed and carpet as he moves to the bathroom first.  The door slowly reels open, and as he flicks the light on, something jumps in his heart.  
     "What the hell?"
     There Misako is, slumped on the floor.  
     He takes a quick step in, closing and flushing away her episode and then picking her up.  He carries her across his chest, her legs pressed into his hip like how she'd taught him once, until he sets her on his bed.  Her body is completely limp, making him keep his arm around her back as he pushes her legs onto the bed and then makes sure her head doesn't go off the edge.  He stuffs a pillow under it and then stands back with a pinched expression.  

     He sits in the office chair with a huff, realizing she didn't have any jerky on her.  He'd never been in her room and had no idea if she kept any in there.  Considering that the rooms were subject to staff search if they had a good reason, he proposed not, or if there was, it was well hidden and locked away, and all that on the assumption he could somehow get it.  
     He tries to listen into the hall, seeing if he can here Kirishima walk by.  He'd already texted him, but he hadn't answered or even read it yet.  But Bakugo had definitely missed him as it finally turned time for class to start.  
     He stays in the room, quietly watching the floor and absentmindedly scrolling on his phone.  He was too anxious to pay attention to anything on it, worried he'd miss some tiny clue that she was awake.  It took another hour before she began to stir.  
     Bakugo gets to his feet quickly as she pushes herself to sit upright, one hand holding her torso and the other groggily rubbing her eye.  She sits up, body curved in on itself as she swipes at her face.  He sits beside her on the bed, catching her shoulder with his forearm as she falls toward him for a moment, not anticipating his weight.  
     "Morning," he grumbles.  She looks up and her eyebrows pull in for a moment.  
     "You're Katsuki."  He frowns a bit as he nods.  
     "Do whatever... whatever it is you need to do."  She tilts her head as he holds his arm near her face, looking away.  She wraps her fingers gently around his wrist, turning his forearm as it pulls toward her.  
     "I've never bitten you before," she mumbles and Bakugo almost shivers as her lips brush against his skin.  Her voice was quiet, if he didn't feel her breath on his skin, he might wonder if she'd actually said anything at all.  He looks back over, caught by her white eyes staring at him through her eyelashes and the fuzz of her unkempt hair.  "Are you sure?"
     "Yeah.  Hurry up."  He looks away again as her eyes drop and mouth starts to open.  "I don't want to babysit a body for another 2 hours."  

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