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The next morning, everyone gathered around the dining table, Mr Kim and Mr Jeon, sitting across from their respective wives. The air filled with the comforting aroma of freshly prepared breakfast and the soft murmur of morning conversations.

The scene was warm and inviting, with the clinking of cutlery/utensils and the occasional burst of laughter adding to the cozy atmosphere.

Jungkook engaged in the conversation, nodding and smiling at the right moments, yet his thoughts were elsewhere.

Ever since he had woken up, a sense of incompleteness had lingered over him. His eyes kept glancing around the room, searching for something-or someone— that might bring a sense of wholeness to his morning.

Now, the food was also set on the table, the delicious aromas wafting through the room.


Taehyung was still nowhere to be seen.

Yeah, finally to the point!

Taehyung wasn't there.

That was it!

The vital missing part-person.

Jungkook could tell Taehyung hadn't come to his room last night. The bed wasn't dipped on the other side, and the duvet wasn't messed up. Besides, if Taehyung had slept with him, there was no chance the younger'd have gotten out of bed earlier than him. It had been that way since childhood.

He wasn't waiting for Taehyung to show up last night. Absolutely not.

Or maybe..

No, definitely not! Especially after hearing everything last night.

But why should he even let it bother him?

Taehyung could still sleep over like before. Or he could just sleep in his own room. It's not something to dwell on... Yeah, it was not a big deal.

Jungkook's thoughts swirled as he half-heartedly joined in the breakfast conversation, his mind drifting back to the empty chair. He stole another glance around the room, searching for any sign of his 'that thing'. Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Jungkook blurted out, "w-where is Taetae?"

Everyone appeared bewildered and taken aback by his question. If there's something important, Taehyung always tells Jungkook first. So, Jungkook admitting he didn't know Taehyung's whereabouts was surprising for them.

"Didn't he tell you, son?" Mrs. Kim asked, her surprise evident as she furrowed her brows.

Jungkook became more confused. He timidly shook his head, uncertainty and concern etching across his features.

"I suppose kookie must have been asleep at that time, that's why, unnie," Mrs. Jeon guessed, with a warm smile. "Taehyung left quite early, didn't he? We had just woken up ourselves," she chuckled.

Mrs. Kim nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that might be."

"Actually, Taehyung mentioned there's a surprise coming for us, baby... and he had to go somewhere for some work stuff. He won't be back until evening," she added, sighing.

"Who knows what kind of surprise, unnie?" Mrs. Jeon exclaimed with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah~ Maybe some shock instead of a surprise, yuna," Mrs. Kim remarked, well-acquainted with her son's antics.

"Remember that time unnie... Tae said a surprise was coming for us when he was just in school?" Yuna recalled, giggling. "And then it turned out his teacher was visiting to complain."

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