A Bad Feeling -1.

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-- A Bad Feeling --

chapter 1.

"wheres dad?" Koji asked, his voice trembling, he was scared to ask, but too worried not to. with sweat visible on his forehead, his breathing erratic, Y/N could only sigh, not wanting to deal with his younger brother right now.

"i don't know, Koji.. just-"

"please..?" he interrupted, not wanting to waste any more than a second.

rolling his eyes, Y/N spoke slowly, softening his tone when he felt his jaw clench, stopping himself from getting too angry. "... he's.. he's probably just around the corner, ok? he'll be home soon." his eyes never left his brothers pupils, watching them dialate in and out.

"but.. where is he?" Koji asked again, not knowing that his older brother couldn't know everything. Y/N looked away, feeling the hair on his arms pick up. leaning down, Y/N placed his hand on his younger brothers shoulder, feeling the harsh fabric against his fingertips. of course it's dirty.. 

"i'll go find him, kay?" he said before standing up, his knee cracking in the process. "go put on a cleaner shirt, Ko. there should be some, i did the laundry yesterday" 

"dad took them."  Koji muttered, feeling guilty about the shirt he was wearing now.

"right..okay.." Y/N sighed "i'll pick up some clothes for you then.. go do some homework, or somethin'.. Dad will be back soon." Y/N tapped Koji, lightly pushing him to his side of the room. Koji waved Y/N goodbye.  "love ya." Y/N muttered before closing the door, his ears sending a shock down his body with each creak it made.

Y/N's head only grew more dizzy with each step he took, rubbing his collarbone for comfort. her could feel each shape in the bone rub against his skin lightly. making it out of that house was a challenge itself, the piles of trash were a safety hazard to breathe in, let alone live in. the smell of the mold devouring the old plates were almost too much to take in, but Y/N had seen it plenty of times before.

as expected, Y/N found his dad whaling at the end of the corridor, on his way back to their unit. instantly, his body struck into position, his fists clenching tightly with his thumbs on the outside,  his movement became rigid and his mind into hyperaware mode, pitcihng into the smallest of noises all around... just for his dad to walk past him silently.

not even a glance... whatever. it didn't matter.

Y/N quickly entered the lock on his phone, making sure to message his little brother that dad would be home in a minute..

lock the door.

his mind thought. lock the door? why? 

tell him to lock the door.

with that thought, his stomach dropped, causing his breathing to lesson, but his heart rate to pick up. his body was experiencing an odd amount of emotions, but he listened to his body nonetheless.

please lock the door, Koji. i think Dad might be upset. stay safe, and don't open the door until i get back, kay?

for some reason, Y/N couldn't shake away the thought. it's like his body was telling him to stop, to listen, to pay some fucking attention to his dad. it's like it was warning him. but, he needed to get his little brother new clothes, it was more important than some stupid feeling. but that stupid feeling was intuition, always has been, yet Y/N always refuses to believe in it. he can't predict something purely based off past experiences, it was just a coincidence, just a stupid feeling.

finally making it to the shop, the corner of Y/N's lip lifted as he gritted his teeth, seeing the prices. and they wonder why people are going homeless... $20 for a fucking plain white T-Shirt from Target.. Target..!

it's okay, Y/N may not have a lot of money, but who need money when you're sneaky?

looking at the clothes, he stumbled across a few shirts in his brothers size. a pair of trackies were calling to him, but he couldn't say yes to $60.. would be a shame if someone were to snatch a pair. Y/N realised he was shaking when he let out the most trembled sigh a person could manage..

"i wouldn't mind a jumper.." he muttered, rubbing some sleep off his eyes. scanning the prices, he knew he'd get in trouble, but he couldn't help it. plus if he could get just one, then he could let Koji use it, maybe for a blanket if it were big enough.

"fuckin, 40 dollars.. shit, well.." he huffed, thinking to himself.. he had $100 for the rest of the month, he could afford to starve a day or two, if it meant he wouldn't have to deal with a cold from this stupid weather.

Y/N stashed a pack of gum on the way out, paying for a Boost bar and a hoodie. ya can't leave without getting anything, that's almost a garanteed bag search. he couldn't help but see the few side glances the workers were giving him.

luckily he had no bag to search, so instantly people didn't suspect him. the only thing he had against him was that he was a teenager, alone, with a broken shirt. but did anyone see him? if they did, he wouldn't be walking out with $200 worth of shit-

"Excuse me!" shit. 

just keep walking, it may not be directed towards you, just keep walking. just keep walking, just keep walkin- Y/N froze when he felt a hand grip onto his shoulder, slowly peaking his head around, he saw... someone.. not a worker, but someone.

"You didn't pay for any of that!" A boy maybe slightly younger than me yelled, fortunately drawing no attention from others. No one cares.

"So?" Y/N muttered, seeing the boys eyebrows furrow in disbelief that Y/N could have such a disrespectful attitude towards him.

"S-so?" The boy stuttered, ruffling his short hair slightly to calm himself down. "W-y- you can't just steal! That's a crime?! A-a- ... A criminal offence!" The boys voice trembled slightly, he audibly gulped as he grabbed onto his hair more. He kept calm, but it was clear in his eyes that he was intimidated, even just by the averting eye contact.

"Yeah, well I'm not stealin' for the fun of it, mate. I need clothes, now leave me be" Y/N scowled, shaking the boys hand off, struggling since the boy had a tighter grip than he was expecting.


"I said leave me alone. Mate." and before the boy could stutter another "but-", Y/N bagan to walk away, this boy was 14 at most, he couldn't do anything. Y/N just wanted to go home without a fight. it was rare, with this type of neighbourhood, but Y/N knew how to avoid. he'd been doing it he whole life.

he could hear this boy stuttering in the background, but he really did not care. the noise was getting silent, which meant he wasn't being followed. now, all he had to do was avert eye contact with everyone he passed. the town he lived in was littered with the type of people, who if you looked at them wrong, they all try to jump you. luckily, Y/N wasn't a main target.

Y/N knew how to fight, fortunately, so if he ever got into a fight again, he wasn't completely useless, thoguh he does rely mostly on his Quirk. he's not some overpowered idiot, just someone with a strong Quirk with depth to it. i means it's been 12 years since Y/N first activated it, and he still hasn't figured everything out.

finally back in the unit complex, Y/N thankfully dodged everyone else with ease, well, apart from another dude looking for his dad. Tsukiji was a pretty hated man, everyone in this complex hated him, he's a lying cheating shithead who uses everyone's money for alcohol because he's too busy wasting his own on pot.

Y/N sighed when he felt the air feel dense, getting stiffer the closer he got to his dad's unit. he smelt the air go bad, like it was past due date. rattling the door nob, Y/N felt it unlock, he grunted, that same stupid feeling droppinig on him like a bomb. he gulped, closing his eyes, wishing it would go away. that only made him dizzier.

please be safe, Koji.. please.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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