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The sprawling campus of the university buzzed with activity, a stark contrast to Abhira's quiet corner in the library. Students moved about in a blur of color and sound, their laughter and chatter blending into a constant hum. Abhira, an introvert by nature, found solace in the library's serene, hushed environment. Surrounded by shelves of books and the scent of aged paper, she felt at peace.

It was in this sanctuary of solitude that Abhira first met him.


One afternoon, as she was deeply engrossed in her research on behavioral psychology, a sudden loud crash broke her concentration. She looked up, startled, to see a young man sprawled on the floor, books scattered around him. He had collided with a chair and was now trying to gather his scattered papers with a sheepish smile on his face.

Instinctively, Abhira wanted to stay in her seat and avoid any interaction. But something about the boy's genuine embarrassment and the humorous situation made her reconsider. She stood up and approached him.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, bending down to help him pick up his papers.

He looked up, his dark eyes meeting hers with a mix of gratitude and amusement. "Yeah, just a bit clumsy today," he replied, his voice warm and cheerful. "Thanks for helping. I'm Arman, by the way."

"Abhira," she responded, handing him a stack of papers.

As they continued to gather his belongings, a conversation began to flow naturally between them. They discovered a shared love for classical literature and a mutual disdain for the crowded, noisy parts of campus. Arman's easygoing nature and quick wit slowly drew Abhira out of her shell.


They met each other again the next day. "Do you come here often?" Arman asked, breaking the silence that had settled as they both sat on the chairs in the library's reading room.

"Almost every day," Abhira admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's my escape from the chaos outside."

Arman chuckled. "I can see why. It's peaceful here. Maybe I should visit the library more often."

Abhira's heart fluttered at the thought. "It's a good place to think," she said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.


Over the following weeks, their paths crossed more frequently. Arman would often find her in the library, and they'd sit together, sharing quiet moments and conversations that flowed effortlessly. Despite her usual reluctance to form new connections, Abhira found herself looking forward to these encounters. Arman had an uncanny ability to make her laugh, to make her feel seen in a way no one else did.


One day, as they sat on their usual corner in the canteen after a particularly long study session, Arman glanced at her. "You know, Abhira, I'm really glad I bumped into that chair," he said with a grin. "Meeting you has been the best part of my year."

Abhira felt a warmth spread through her chest. "Me too, Arman," she replied, her voice sincere. "Me too.


As the final exams loomed closer, Abhira couldn't shake the growing sense of dread. Arman's hometown was in a different city, and she knew their paths might soon diverge. The thought of losing him made her realize the depth of her feelings. She was in love with him. Deciding to confess after the final exams, she held onto this newfound hope, her heart fluttering with both fear and excitement.

AbhiMaan TS : The Secret PresenceWhere stories live. Discover now