21. Unmasked?

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"See, even the lady can suggest better alternatives than you guys," utter annoyance was evident on Kevin's face as he slammed the last file onto the table, he was running short on his temper but did not shout those words like he usually does.

Today's conference emphasised increasing more innovative ways for new business ideas. There each presentation lacked intriguing aspects whereas Rose suggested why don't they try on ethical diamond jewellery? They could focus on sourcing conflict-free diamonds and using eco-friendly materials for the designs and even create custom high-end pieces that tell a story about the origin of each diamond, making every piece unique and special. People would love knowing that their beautiful jewellery also supports good causes and the environment.

Even though that's out the Knight's current priority deals but what Rose suggested was commendable, considering diamonds are a fantastic means to surge maximum profits and invest the extra sums.

Even though Rose had no interest in these business talks previously, nowadays she finds herself intrigued by some topics. And the employees of the developer teams find it convenient too, as their boss never raises his voice too high or loses his temper too often like usual in his pregnant wife's presence. He tries his best to maintain a calm and quiet environment and instructs others to do so whenever she adorns her presence.

Rosalia suddenly felt proud of herself, her shoulders broadened before Kevin dismissed the meeting causing the people present there to leave silently.

Kevin pressed his knuckles against his forehead, trying to calm his nerves as he rested his head on the chair's headrest. If he hadn't banned drinking and smoking in his office, he would have chugged down a crisp shot of whiskey by now to soothe his nerves.

"What if ... I-  we have twin daughters?" Rose asked out of nowhere. She was in need of his answer for the past few days.

"How does that even matter?"  Kevin, caught off guard, questioned back being amused. He lifted his head and looked into her face "Are you discriminating between genders, kitten?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Discriminating? Me? I even made the same baby bonnet twice that too in the same colour and shape!" Rose huffed, folding her arms and pouting, her cheeks puffed out adorably. Kevin could not help but laugh forgetting his previous irate mood at her adorable reactions.

Seeing her frown, Kevin reached out and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "You’re too cute, you know that?" He said cupping her cheeks and making her lips plumped up. He kept giving soft, tender kisses all over her lips until she giggled feeling the tingling sensations spreading through her. Kevin kissed the tip of her nose eliciting another giggle from Rose.

But he presumed her underlying worry, she must have heard about those ridiculous myths about this family.

"My first priority is my wife's good health and the second is our babies'," placing his hand on her belly, he assured with an earnest tone earning a glowing smile from her.

After he finished a few remaining paper works and delivered them to John, both Rose and Kevin descended from Kevin's home office to the hall area. Rose had invited a special guest to dinner today, Susan, a very close friend of hers from high school. She could have invited her at any time of the day but she intentionally chose the dinner time on the weekend where every family member would be present. But that was exactly what Rose hoped for.

Susan, currently pursuing a master's in clinical psychology at Stanford, is always praised for her brilliance in the field. Rose was desperate to do something with Kate's deceit that's why she sought help from her friend, Susan.

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