22. Animosity

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Kate was blazing with fury, her blood was boiling so damn much that she found it hard to breathe properly. She was so livid at Rose for humiliating her, embarrassing her and forcing her to wet herself in front of everyone as a means of escape. Yet, Kate felt a grim satisfaction in maintaining her facade, her humiliation was nothing in front of the larger cause though. But, she would definitely make sure that Rose pays dearly for her soul piercing humiliation. 

When the doctor entered her room, Kate gave her a cold warning, "I don't care what you have to do. Just make it convincing."

Sensing the gravity of the situation, the doctor nodded and swiftly left the room with a racing heart. She hurriedly contacted her medical team. Within minutes, they had gathered all the necessary things then, the doctor quickly reported back to Kevin.

In the middle of a heated conversation between Kevin and Rose, a maid knocked on the bedroom door, interrupting Rose mid-sentence and requesting for Kevin's presence.

"Watch your steps," Kevin alerted Rose before he turned and headed towards Kate's room in a hurry.

Rose hesitated for a moment then followed him slowly. As she approached Kate's room, she saw Kevin and the doctor standing outside, deep in discussion. They were poring over a stack of medical reports, their expressions were grave and focused.

Kevin glanced up at Rose as she neared, also the doctor looked at her, then back at Kevin, "What happened today was a clear example of a panic attack. That can happen under extreme stress. She needs to be taken care of in a stress free environment, surrounded only by her family and loved ones. Likely, something or someone she cherished the most can bring down her PTSD," the doctor advised being in Kate's favour.

Kevin nodded, his jaw clenched. "Do whatever you need to do," he instructed.

Rose feared what she had done might have turned the situation in Kate's favour.

"You were right, Rosalia. Her medical reports are pitiful to watch, conditions have worsened than before," Kevin said after coming back to their bedroom. Only if that scumbag pretending to be Kate's lover did not humiliate the woman he loves, he would have graced his life just for Kate's sake. But it's too late now to look back.

Rose felt bad for the unnecessary worry Kevin was bearing for his sister but could not muster up her courage to accuse her in the given condition. The forged reports, all the people around Kate and above all her magnificent drama of helplessness - Rose was standing alone against all with no proof in her hand, she did not want to bear the risk and end up being a fool like before during her pregnancy.

"But do not make yourself worry, baby. It's not good during the pregnancy," Kevin told her with a rueful smile before getting out.

The next few weeks Rose felt super mistrustful as she agitated Kate might avenge her anyhow, but nothing like that happened. Rose like previous was carefully protecting herself from any potential harm. But both did not encounter each other for days and kept minding their own business. Rose assumed Kate might have realised her misdeeds but why she was not coming out of her deceit that always bothered Rose back in her mind.

On the other hand, Kevin was trying his best to provide comfort for both his wife and his sister. With each passing day, Kate's doctor reported to him a small but consistent improvement in Kate's unstable condition. By that time, Rose was convinced that Kate's elaborate act was an attempt to come clean before everyone. As there was no way Kate would ever confess that her feigned mental illness was just a ploy to hurt Rose.

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