Chapter 1: thinking about genocide

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Israel drive her Silver 992 Porsche 911 Turbo S after having meeting with her allies talking about business and some technology to created but there is one word that she can't get out from her head when she talk with Singapore at the meeting.... Singapore asked when the war between her and Palestine will be over... Perhaps she keep thinking about it making she can't drive really well while thinking about the question.... Singapore become Israel friends for long time and yet they have same problem and that is surrounding by enemies however Singapore become a sibling for some Pacific Asia country and yet she don't want get Singapore get trouble because he used technology and teaches from her which the same person do the genocide or maybe the worse that some Pacific Asia country will kick Singapore out from ASEAN due to allie with herself especially for two other countries that extremely hate her and it's Indonesia and Malaysia both of them are very Palestine supporter, Israel can't blame those to supporting Palestine since the one who start the war between her and Palestine are HAMAS, it's just peaceful for Israel and Palestine back then only two country been war and it's between Ukraine and Russia, not until HAMAS start it and she can see that most of Palestine supporter supporting the HAMAS for attacking her, yet it's drive her mad and insane so that's why she blow up every thing that Palestine had including hospital, school, even families and innocent baby. Israel realize that even tho HAMAS start the war again, atleast HAMAS didnt do the worse unlike herself, Israel stop at side of the road and thinking about her action at the war perhaps she call herself Nazi, Israel can't get out from the thoughts that she try to invade Palestine just because she is scared there will be more secret attack but the way she do the invasion is more like hell for Palestine.... She really want to stop the war quickly but her fear and overthinking always drive her into genocide war, she can see that she almost win but soon Iran came and attacking her but it didn't take a time the war is over since there president are dead, Israel didn't expect that he will die soon, she only can pray for him.... She soon drive to near gas station and bought some alcohol to wash her mind away as she enter her car again she drink all the alcohol that she bought and get completely drunk but her thoughts on Palestine didn't get away, she don't understand why she can't get him out from her mind is it because she like him more? Or she feel bad for the genocide she gave, she start to drive carefully since she drive a 650 horsepower sportcar plus she is drunk but luckily she arrive at her house safely. She jump on her bed and lay down while try to sleep but it's hard for her since she keep thinking about Palestine over and over again, she realized if she can't get his forgiveness then she can't sleep due to stress and shame for what she do...

"I must change this.. I can't be better... I must say sorry for Palestine, I want his forgiveness...  I will do anything for his forgiveness...." 🇮🇱

Finally she start to planning to visit Palestine and maybe discuss about peace and share her wealth with him all we know that Israel will try her best to get Palestine forgiveness if she can't get it, she will do it until she get it....

To be continued

Forgive me.... (Countryhumans female Israel x male Palestine) Where stories live. Discover now