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Ndlalifa Mhlongo

When we got home with my uncles and MaKhoza, we didn't get any chance to rest. MaKhoza immediately started cleansing the yard just so we could all step inside and not get affected by the looming spirits around the yard. When we finally entered, we had to give the police space to be able to get evidence or anything that might help them with their case.

We then had to drive to the homesteads of the Mhlongos where all the relatives reside. A meeting was held immediately with everyone. It is safe to say everyone was fed up with my father.

Aunty Bee: "I say we should burn down that house and then rebuild it after the whole yard has been cleansed and strengthened."

MaKhoza: "I also agree with Babalwa. We can not just cleanse that house and hope for change. There is a lot that happened there and there are a lot of souls roaming in that house."

Uncle 2: "I hear you sisi."

MaKhoza: "We need to put all those people's spirits to rest peacefully. Most of those spirits were his daughters that he killed to keep that royal power."

Uncle: "I guess we also have to appease the ancestors for turning a blind eye to everything and letting Malusi get his way."

MaKhoza: "Yebo, you will have to do that too."

Aunty: "So is it possible to get rid of all this royalty thing in this family because it is the same thing that caused such a huge drift between all of us."

MaKhoza: "I don't think so. This has been the Mhlongo legacy for many years so you can't just throw that away. Everyone will just have to cleanse their hearts and accept whatever the ancestors decide."

Aunt Bee: "Okay. According to my knowledge, the future leader is still to be born right?!"

MaKhoza: "He has been born and he came with his helper, his pillar. This time things have changed for only the best." she says giving me a single glance and then focuses on my aunts again.

Aunty: "So where is our future leader?"

MaKhoza: "When the time is right, he shall come to serve his purpose. For now, we all need to focus on fixing everything." they nod. I excuse myself a bit so I can call woman. We talk for a while then cut the call.

Uncle: "Mfana wami." I turn to him.

Me: "Baba."

Uncle: "You heard MaKhoza inside, you need to be careful now. Don't tell them about your sons or your wife because you will only be putting them in danger."

Me: "Yebo baba but how am I supposed to pay for them if I can't tell them?"

Uncle: "Trust me, i am your father and I'll never let you down." I nod.

Me: "Ngiyabonga baba."

Uncle: "Just keep my daughter in law amd grandsons safe mfana." this is getting scary for me now.


The next day we get a call from the police station, apparently my father slipped and fell in the showers. He hit his head hard and he suffered a severe head injury which led him to death this morning.

I don't know how I feel about my father's sudden death. I still wanted some answers from him but i guess somethings are really better left unanswered. Another part of me is relieved because I won't have to face that man again.

Uncle: "Mshana."

Me: "I have been looking for you malume."

Uncle: "ukhala ngani mntaka sisi?" I check the coast first then move closer to him.

Me: "I want to know why didn't you let Mandisa go like I asked you to?" I whisper. He chuckles.

Uncle: "Would you have rather preferred he killed the mother of your children first? or your sons?"

Me: "I was going to take care of her malume."

Uncle: "Really? Look mshana... I did this because I don't want anyone messing with my sister's child's happiness. Your happiness means more happiness for your mother and I always want to see my sister happy. "

Me: "I know and i'm grateful for that Malume. Dad?"

Uncle: "What about him?"

Me: "His sudden death? don't you think something is fishy?"

Uncle: "nah! These prisons need to change their bathrooms, this happens to a lot of criminals yazi."

me: "mmh"


I know this was a short insert but I promise to make it up to you. I'm currently not feeling well so I can't really type much. Bear with me please.

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