~Chapter 9~

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2002 -21 September

Nicolo Pov

It's been a few days now and Mhia's gotten better. Me and my wife was thinking of putting her in school next week. Atleast she'll be in the same school as Aurelio and Antonio.

Me and my wife just want to test how smart she is first. We also already got the rat who poisoned Mhia and safe to say, he loves it in heaven.

Right now Mhia is having a bonding day with Aurelio since she had one with Antonio 3 days ago. She's had a bonding time with everyone except Lorenzo...

Me and my wife are at work even tho it's a Saturday. Santiago and Dante are at their friends houses. We were also thinking of having the rest of the family come soon aswell, since they already know we adopted her.

Safe to say, Mhia's life changed for the better. And I'm glad about that.

Aurelio Pov

Me and Mhia just got our ice creams and we're currently arguing what flavor is the best. Is mint chip the best or cookie dough? Not even I can decide which one is best actually.

"No no no, you have it all wrong Lio, mint chip is the best, face it."Mhia says with a determined look on her face that just makes her look adorable.

I roll my eyes before answering, "ok what about this. Mint chip AND cookie dough is the best."I say wanting this little argument to end and wanting to have more fun.

She think a little before answering, "fine ya, I can live with that."and I sigh of relief. "Ok we still have 2 hours left tk enjoy ourselves. Do you have anything in mind little M?"I ask eating the rest of my ice cream as we walk on the sidewalk to god knows where.

Atleast we have 20 bodyguards following us each.

"Ok, so we already went to the movies, already got ice cream, already went to a field full of flowers. What about a park?!"Mhia says with a big smile and I laugh a little. Her face is full of ice cream, and it's the cutest sight ever.

"Ok, ya perfect."I say nodding my head and we make our way to a park close to us. Today has been amazing.

I don't know what I'd be doing now, when me and Antonio didn't search that Boarding school at all.

When we finally reach the park after 41 seconds of walking Mhia immediately runs to a huge slide where other kids are aswell. I soon join her on the huge slide.

Kids my age might be on their phones and IPADS all the time but I'd rather spend my time with my little sister.

A while later when me and Mhia are on a bench trying to catch our breathes, a group of guys come up to us. They look a bit older then me, around Antonio's age.

'Hey there little girl. You two having a bit of fun hay?"one of the guys ask and I immediately sit infront of Mhia a little.

I might be this little or whatever but I'm in training for the Mhia, for when I'm 18.

"Hay, chill there dude. We're friendly."the same guy says as the other's laugh a little.

"Go away."Mhia says and I look straight at the guys not breaking my gaze, not knowing what they'll do. Half of the people already left the park.

"We're fun. Come on let's go play a little what do you say little girl."another guy says as he pushes me aside and tries to get to Mhia but I kick his side making him fall to the ground catching his breath.

The bodyguards immediately come to our side but a guy grabs Mhia and tries to run away with her. I immediately stand up and run after him.

All of a sudden he screams —a painful scream. He turns around and what I see makes me want to throw up.

Mhia is in the guy's arms with her thumbs in the guy's eyes and blood is coming out, the guy then drops Mhia but before she can hit the ground I catch her and the guy then falls to the ground with his friends and they run away.

I take a breath before looking at Mhia with wide eyes. The sight infront me is crazy. Mhia is looking at the blood with a SMILE!!?

I stand up with her in my arms ans we immediately go inside a guards SUV with the rest following behind and infront.

When we reach the house mom, dad, Santiago and Dante are already home. They are all in the living room. I don't bother to respond to them and rush upstairs with Mhia still in my arms.

I go into her bathroom and clean her hands. The whole time she doesn't say anything at all. After cleaning her hands and arms I take her to bed after she said she's tired.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want them to hurt you so I had to."she says as she slowly falls asleep. A small smile creeping its way on my face.

All I care about is her being safe. That's what matter now. That's what matter tomorrow. That's what matter yesterday. That's what matters everyday, forever.

I make my way downstairs, bracing myself for what I'd have to tell my family. They'll have questions for how she acted so calm. Hell even I'm wondering the same ducking thing.

When I enter the living room, they all bombard me with questions. I sigh taking a seat at the couch with mom and dad next to me and they all look at me silently asking me to tell them what happened.

I sigh before telling them the whole story, and at the end they're all shocked. Hell I'm still shocked. The picture of the blood on Mhia's hands and arms keeps flashing in my mind.

The rest of the night we keep talking about.... that. Later we went to bed and I went to sleep, but that picture keeps flashing in my mind showing me a different story.

No matter what, Mhia will always be my first priority. I'll die for my sister.


Here!! Sorry it took a while but atleast it's here.

What do you think of this chapter?

Why do you think Mhia was so calm about the whole situation? Do you think it's the first time Mhia did this?

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