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( fear street 1994 )
act one

        "GOD, BABYSITTING KINDA SUCKS." Mateo huffed in exhaustion while picking up a pink shirt and throwing it in the pile. He didn't HATE kids, but his idea of "babysitting" was not to be in the same house as the kids and do laundry while Kate watched the kids.

"You're telling me. She does this every time." Simon sat down on the couch behind him. Mateo turned to Simon and made a shocked look, and formed an 'o' with his mouth. Simon just nodded and mouthed, "yeah." The three of them sat in silence, Simon on the couch, watching TV while Addi and Mateo continued to sort through laundry.

Addi picked up a shirt, then sighed and dropped her arms on top of her pile on the couch, still holding thr yellow shirt. "Why did we agree to this, again?"

Simultaneously, Simon and Teo shrugged and made a "I don't know" sound. Addi and Teo moved and sat next to Simon to watch Jaws on the TV for a break.

Addi hated sharks, but she would do anything to get away from sorting the laundry. If it meant watching a shark movie, so be it.

"You know, I don't get it." Mateo spoke up, "How did they get videos of a real shark?" He fell back into the couch, sitting in the middle of the twins, setting his arms on both of their shoulders.

"It's not real, dumbass." Simon shoved Mateo's arm off of him. "You know, you're real stupid sometimes."

Mateo sputtered, "Okay." He said with an amused look on his face. "You know—" He began, but Kate walked in. "Kate!!! MOVE!"

"What happened to sorting this? Lights and darks, and watch for stray socks." She redirected the teens. Addi and Mateo stood up with huffs and walked back to their piles.

"Dude, I'm gonna get a fungus touching these." Teo gagged as he threw clothes in their piles. Addi shook her head and laughed to herself.

"Remind me what's in it for us again?" Simon practically begged Kate.

"Nope." She smiled. He leaped up off of his spot on the couch, recieving a look of pure confusion from Addi. He unzipped his jacket, revealing the shirt that he wore the night before, still covered in Sam's blood.

"Jesus, are you still wearing the same clothes from last night?" Kate put her hands on her hips, then made a disgusted look, "Did you wear that at the grocery store?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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