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"From now one, nobody messes with Jae-i ever again. No one. Especially you two" he states looking at Kang ha then me. I rolled my eyes. Oh well, I don't really care.

Park Devani's pov:

Kang ha looked annoyed. He walks over to me. "Get up we're leaving" he says. I look at him confused but get up anyway. "Bye Woojin" I say as Kang ha drags me out the party. We get into a taxi and begin driving home.

"Why did you want to leave?" I asked. "Because they're pissing me off. Acting as if we're the bad guys" He sighs. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Yea, it's dumb honestly" I replied.

"Oh by the way, I was talking to Ju-won and he gave a video that he was using to blackmail Jae-i. It was her and Ri-an having sex" He states. "Ah so that's what she was so stressed about?" I nodded in understandment.

Even though I might hate someone, using their video of them getting freaky is messed up. "Yeah. Wait. You knew that Ju-won was the one with videos and blackmailing?" Kang ha asks surprised.

"Yea I knew. I wasn't going to snitch on my boy Ju-won" I replied shrugging my shoulders. Kang ha then shakes his head at me. We arrived at the house. "You wanna watch a movie together? Relax our bodies after today." I suggested.

He nods. We go our separate ways to dress into comfortable clothes. I go into the kitchen and grab a couple of snacks before sitting on the couch. Kang ha already had a blanket and pillows ready with a movie on pause. I sit down next to him.

After a while, it started to get cold so leaned into Kang ha's arms. I started to get sleepy after a few minutes. I guess all that drama was finally getting to me.  I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Next day, I was awaken by my alarm. I groaned as I snuggled into Kang ha's arms even more. "C'mon, we got school" Kang ha says. "Can't we just skip today?" I asked groggily.

"No we can't. Now get up" He chuckles as he lifts me up. "I groaned.  I go and begin getting ready. Once I finished getting ready, I met up with Kang ha outside before biking to school.

Once we got there, we parked our bikes and headed inside. As we're walking through the hallways, we see Jae-i we both stopped walking. We stared at each other for a few seconds before Ju-won walked up to us.

"Kang ha, Devani. Let's go. They're waiting for us" He says before walking off. Me and Kang ha followed him out to where the rest of the scholarship students were. "Hello everybody" I greeted as I sat down on the of the colorful seats.

They all greeted me back. "Ok let's get down to business" I stated as I looked at Kang ha. "We can't keep putting up with this unfair treatment, can we?" Kang ha asks.

"But if you think about it, is it that unfair? We attend the most expensive school in the country without paying a dime. It's a pretty good deal" one boy asks. I looked at the boy. Is this kid serious?

"A good deal where you guys are treated like outcasts? Bullied and shunned?" I scoffed. "Your point? Yea this is what we deserve. Thanks for walking all over us" Kang ha says sarcastically. I tried to hide a smile at his sarcasm.

"Even so, what can we do?" The same boy asks. "We can prove the abuse. We need to teach them once, and for all, they're not untouchable as they think. The school won't do it, and neither the teachers" Kang ha states.

"Don't expect them to. Think about the influence their parents have on Jooshin High. You really think the school will take our side?" Ju-won interrupts taking a step forward. I nodded in approval at what he said.

"Maybe you're right but I don't understand. Why are you doing this Kang ha and Park Devani? Aren't you just using us to avenge your brother?" Another boy accuses. I scoffed at this.

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